Message from @caffeinated fascist
Discord ID: 347117119676350464
Short clip here
Need a :challenger: react
Trump fucking owned them all
nice touch equating lee and washington
its a shame wyatt quit the alt right
this is the best trump move yet imo
wait a second he condemned us too
u doofuses
The alt-lite is being forced into a tiny corner
he said he condemns white nationalists >.>
Its a meaningless condemnation
Shit for the cameras
Plausible deniability
yeah because it's a brand that 999/1000 ppl associate with kkk robes
nibba just say alt right
yeah but i heard alt right is gay
true it's def not a counter tactic by controlled opposition to poison a good brand
omfg he is pummeling the press
@northern_confederate lol r u gay????
remember the 5 rules of killing commies, dodge, dip, dive, duck, and Dodge
We're not supporting this "go act like jackasses and protest the cops funerals are we?"
Fucking whitepill
who is saying to protest a funeral
that WBC tier retardation
He's making the 👌🏻
he asks the reporter to define the altright for him its quality
uh did they delete the krypto report from soundcloud
can someone share the file of the newest one?
@badtanman weev in that screencap that loomer got discord to start banning us for. I think weev was trolling but edgelord retards are wanting to meme this into reality
I just realised trump does all of his gestures with one hand
Tor is over, the .wang has begun
btw WBC isn't retarded they're a shakedown org for shekels
lol this guy was so gay before