Message from @boBBypEEle

Discord ID: 524732630680338454

2018-12-18 21:05:13 UTC  

el chapo's seized money and assets

2018-12-18 21:05:28 UTC  

thus making mexico pay for the wall

2018-12-18 21:06:36 UTC  

They seized?

2018-12-18 21:07:33 UTC  


2018-12-18 21:09:16 UTC  

I knew they talked a bout it and Ted Cruz said that a long time ago... 🤞🏻 That would be awesome

2018-12-18 21:09:24 UTC  

let’s audit the fed, see where we have some wiggle room

2018-12-18 21:10:29 UTC  

Well just stopping the flow pays for itself many times. Money is clearly not the real objection 😂

2018-12-18 21:12:11 UTC  

Omnibus was in the bag

2018-12-18 22:17:28 UTC  

I thought the funding was built into the DoD budget... maybe that wasn’t confirmed yet. Idk

2018-12-18 22:29:01 UTC

2018-12-18 22:30:46 UTC  

“During Tuesday's White House briefing, the White House spokeswoman told reporters Mr Trump had "asked every [federal] agency to look and see if they have money that can be used for that purpose".

2018-12-18 22:31:27 UTC  

2018-12-18 22:33:49 UTC  

It doesn’t appear that Cruz’ El Chapo Act was passed, just introduced a couple years ago. Still, seems like Trump’s EO would cover seizing his 14billion.

2018-12-18 22:57:34 UTC  

@accountingisboring i believe what you are referring to was Trump threatening to use some of the huge military budget passed last year for the wall for the purpose of National Security which would be allowed.

2018-12-18 23:03:55 UTC  

Nice feed guys, been our all day, just catching up...!

2018-12-18 23:05:56 UTC  


2018-12-18 23:18:04 UTC  

Ah, gotcha. Thanks

2018-12-18 23:30:40 UTC  

I just hope Mexico wakes up and builds a Wall on thier southern Border as well.

2018-12-18 23:37:28 UTC  

We just announced our pledge to invest billions into central america and mexico for purposes of development , to negate desire to migrate away. Meh wall

2018-12-18 23:40:08 UTC  

All in all WINNING!

2018-12-19 00:09:21 UTC  

remember when he started asking for the wall it was up to 18 billion...then later jumped to he's asking for 5 billion to finish it...then just dropped it when it was officially 'other sources of funding'

2018-12-19 01:07:27 UTC  

I bring you Grave News: PewDeePie has laughed and the killing of Rabi Sheckles....and now may be banned from Youtube and declared a Genocidal Maniac!!!!

@Duke Of New York yeah bro I shared that in off topic the other day...

Its some killer Q shit

2018-12-19 07:01:55 UTC  


2018-12-19 09:37:55 UTC  
2018-12-19 13:12:46 UTC  

It is now in about Q file in Patriots Awakened.

2018-12-19 15:02:30 UTC  

Gold and silver having a great day prior to 2pm FOMC (Fed) minutes release. They may be allowing some buying pressure to blow off prior to minutea release, but we will see. Hopefully this is the start of the Fed' gold predicament bubbling to the surface

2018-12-19 15:03:23 UTC  

Typically they would attempt to slam at 2pm after minutes is released to show optics of everything being cool and fed release being bearish for metals

2018-12-19 15:05:26 UTC  

@PawnWithAPurpose tell me the name of that rule change again please? Do you have an article about it?

2018-12-19 15:09:47 UTC  

Its the new Basel 3 rules released by the BIS

2018-12-19 15:11:44 UTC  

Ill have to get an article after work. I know Andrew Maguire (silver manipulatiob whistleblower against JP Morgan) has been releasing a bit about it and the monetary system is taking into account for its release date (blockchain backed 1:1 by silver and/or gold)

2018-12-19 15:13:53 UTC  


2018-12-19 15:41:23 UTC  

It would be quite an exceptional day in the metals if they were to climb both prior and after FOMC release. If so, the Fed may have lost control and gold is showing its incompetence and mismanagement. It could be the start of gold bringing down the Fed. By no means does it have to happen today or be acknowledged if so, but it would be a step in that direction.

2018-12-19 16:22:22 UTC  

👆Q related?

2018-12-19 17:06:12 UTC  

Gold brings down the Fed. -Q