Message from @Fabulous Gordon
Discord ID: 347496797184196609
Did any new podcasts drop?
npo we do it tonight
@Evan McLaren - PA i picutred that is just him normally
where was cantwell crying? Haven't seen any vids of him except vice
i still cry at the end of Homeword bound when i see it
"Beaches" always gets me
@Zorost the vid he made after the tear gas
When antifa said there was a warrant out for him.
@Fabulous Gordon same tbh
the slippery slope argument is once again proven right
i fucking love dogs
@Lupus_Dei - NC except this wont get out to normies
Guys, what happened to the AltRight discord server?
Nazi UFO got it
@DOAN deleted
@DOAN damn, where have you been
I've been busy
ZOG is shutting it down.
can someone give me a rundown?
its not that un common
Chris Cantwell's channel is also down?
TRS, and DS as well
omg they are using the ACCIDENTAL DEATHS as an excuse to call us deadly
@DOAN loomer got in an screencapped stuff and got it shit down.
fucking lugenpress
TRS is down?? Oh my fucking god
It's happening fam
What now???
@D'Marcus Liebowitz more to it than that
Are we really marked as a terror group??????
they asked him if he wanted to be moved or laid off
Only in IL
he choose laid off but they put him down as a vuletnary quiting
thus no unemplyment
Still. Fuck
@DOAN in Illinois