Message from @Arch Dornan
Discord ID: 348266342887194635
Semites tearing each other apart
Against Isreal? Huh
Yeah, it seems like win-win
that onion article was great
Yeah it's a tactical win win
they actually got funny again for one article
Terror attacks against Jizzrael and one less non white "citizen"
Yeah, that's a rare treat, the Onion hasn't been great lately
Do we know the name of that kid run over in Barcelona yet? I wanna make another of those Before/After diversity memes
written by david moye
oy vey
SSynagogue perfect name change
I think this is the German show that Star Trek ripped off that was mentioned in voice.
Whats the name of the violin song?
vivaldi four seasons spring
ashoken farewell
DS is working again
@here git in chat
What teh fuck?
About what Leibowitz?
And here I got Tor just for the stormer. Possibly I should be using it anyway.
Kikes painting swastikas on dogs now
At least they got it the right direction
It's not a hail hortler
Weev is a genius
Normie thots are losing their minds over this tweet. Destroy what they hold sacred! Steer them in our direction