Message from @Lord Joe
Discord ID: 289433944858820608
And some stuff about how the CIA could try to remove Trump somehow
2 mins till WIKILEAKS press conference
Assange talking about the vault 7 stuff
Nothing really interesting yet
Isn't assange dead?
why would wl keep his death a secret, then?
and why would wl keep publishing secret shit like this?
unless we're being meme'd
>He doesn't know that wikileaks is controlled by (((them))) now, and that the original team is waging a war to get it back
>using (((echoes)))
why even live?
@Dangerlurking >Reichsbürger
They're Americans
It's 2020 - 3, get with the times man.
We've found what, exactly?
@Lord Joe >Historic Latta Plantation
We need to rename all platations to equality farms because muh slaves
Convert them into concentration camps for whites
What did we find? A Starbucks field?
^ when the matzah ball soup's cooked just right
id like to encourage you all to take a look at this website. its the first real fascist party i've ever seen, and though it's a bit LARPy, i think it has potential
Goddamn this state Is he officially our prophet?
@gort "The alleged purity of the race or the blood of any nation is a groundless myth. It is found only in savage groups, and even there it is rare." I stopped reading after that
Frankly that's how Mussolini viewed race. I wholeheartedly disagree with him.
@Charlemango From my limited understanding of genetics.. race is a myth so to speak... but it is one that is worth maintaining .
Also I gotta say, Mussoli's granddaughter is pretty hot for her age
@Templar-CA Technically speaking, when one purity spirals THAT much, one could argue that the entire European race has been impure ever since our exposure to the neanderthals