Message from @E4S1911-MN
Discord ID: 289465468526395392
why would wl keep his death a secret, then?
and why would wl keep publishing secret shit like this?
unless we're being meme'd
>He doesn't know that wikileaks is controlled by (((them))) now, and that the original team is waging a war to get it back
>using (((echoes)))
why even live?
@Dangerlurking >Reichsbürger
They're Americans
It's 2020 - 3, get with the times man.
We've found what, exactly?
@Lord Joe >Historic Latta Plantation
We need to rename all platations to equality farms because muh slaves
Convert them into concentration camps for whites
What did we find? A Starbucks field?
^ when the matzah ball soup's cooked just right
id like to encourage you all to take a look at this website. its the first real fascist party i've ever seen, and though it's a bit LARPy, i think it has potential
Goddamn this state Is he officially our prophet?
@gort "The alleged purity of the race or the blood of any nation is a groundless myth. It is found only in savage groups, and even there it is rare." I stopped reading after that
Frankly that's how Mussolini viewed race. I wholeheartedly disagree with him.
@Charlemango From my limited understanding of genetics.. race is a myth so to speak... but it is one that is worth maintaining .
Also I gotta say, Mussoli's granddaughter is pretty hot for her age
@Templar-CA Technically speaking, when one purity spirals THAT much, one could argue that the entire European race has been impure ever since our exposure to the neanderthals
Ironic, considering, if memory serves, it actually gave us a slight advantage biologically speaking
@Charlemango mythos makes the plebs fight. .. Ill be back later.
Alright, I'll try to decipher what you meant by that in the meantime. See yas
nvm, fake happening
Fake news, goyim
but nah I still love malik
He has the potential to make Africa great ag- ...well, nevermind. It's never been great and it never will be.