Message from @HeliRidesOfPeace
Discord ID: 348347329142587402
BTW, PinoHeliRide on Gab if ya'll wana follow
they are probably fixing things on the data storage
But in case anybody here still haven't heard about Anglin and weev on gab, there it is
Watch this
avatar change.. mawhaha
This is a quote to use also besides the 1st they fight you and then you win, etc et c
thats much better
1 less step and its from a white fella
We're at Stage 2 right now
those mickey mouse ears tho
"you're gonna die of aids in 15 years"
also noone can claim he stole the quote from ghandi because he was probably dead by the time that cunt turned up
we have the best bantz
I'd rather take advice and quotes from a White man, tbh
be back soon.. need food... time for some fried chicken ... oooga boooga bix nude
once I find all the harry potter books I have stashed somewhere I'm gonna have a massive book burn
Along with a lot of other shit
ayn rand books too maybe
ayn rand is my guilty pleasure. just gas me now
"The policeman turns and simply asks 'you want another Saturday don't you, you should be ashamed.'" -Proof dead cop helicopter crash jokes are funny
@HeliRidesOfPeace Im so glad I dropped out of poz uni and went dark months before cville
@NuckFigures I read that as the cop taunting the commie
@☇Unlimited Power☇ I haven't used any IRL info online anywhere in a decade,. I dare them to doxx
Spencer is obviously disavowing that statement by Kessler considering the Charlottesville organizers are all being sued for 3 million dollars over heathers death
i never really did online profile pics