Message from @GrandpaSpud
Discord ID: 491732434543575040
@Deleted User listening to Sargons live stream
A major political hatchet job was launched at him
what's goin on in here
@Deleted User Yes, but that's just showing the true leanings of the people.
The point isn't to be fair, it's to be accurate to the leanings of the populace.
solid 18%
9% the second time
@Deleted User @Ruggwain @Jek Porkins Opinions on repealing the 17nth amendment.
Not too sure.
@Deleted User Social Democracy =/= Democratic Socialism!
on voter misrepresentation
wew lad
@Deleted User just talk about it with a non retarded girl
@Deleted User no u
no u
@Deleted User ure uber gay and your mom is a man
Sup cucks
Whatcha all doin
@GUNTERBEAR >Not being in the VC
@DMT Master I'm just about to get off work nigga
Almost at the office
Don't crash
who are we talking about
@DMT Master too late :^)
I need someone to talk about Lost Paradise with once it comes out
@Deleted User the Don I thought? *Chuckles*
@meratrix not smug enough tbh
no u
I'll saw you in half to show the power of flex tape.
do it
I'm not doubling up emojis.
Anyone know what sargons wife looks like?