Message from @meratrix
Discord ID: 491733430229532692
on voter misrepresentation
wew lad
@Deleted User just talk about it with a non retarded girl
@Deleted User no u
no u
@Deleted User ure uber gay and your mom is a man
>Tiananmen square
>communist killings
Dengist China isn't communist @Jek Porkins
Sup cucks
Whatcha all doin
@GUNTERBEAR >Not being in the VC
@DMT Master I'm just about to get off work nigga
Almost at the office
Don't crash
who are we talking about
@DMT Master too late :^)
I need someone to talk about Lost Paradise with once it comes out
@Deleted User the Don I thought? *Chuckles*
@meratrix not smug enough tbh
no u
I'll saw you in half to show the power of flex tape.
do it
I'm not doubling up emojis.
Anyone know what sargons wife looks like?
No, luckily I don't think his wife's picture has ben found by doxers.
I saw his son, cute kid
Well yeah, he came on to a stream
his wife had an open facebook for a while
I'll be back in a bit.
Is she a blonde?
If you happen to find her, don't post it here.
I have a theory
Sargoy more like sarSOY
Sarsoy the soygoi