Message from @Ƶero

Discord ID: 485785427098468353

2018-09-01 13:31:45 UTC  

The mega does.

2018-09-01 18:23:30 UTC

2018-09-01 18:39:04 UTC  

^from his Big Book of Dad Jokes

2018-09-01 18:45:10 UTC  


2018-09-01 18:45:40 UTC

2018-09-01 18:45:50 UTC  

it's actually a book a bought for Imgur secret santa

2018-09-01 19:18:28 UTC  

@meratrix can you even get templeOS on your comp?

2018-09-01 19:18:44 UTC  

probably not

2018-09-02 01:29:05 UTC  
2018-09-02 01:29:13 UTC  

I am newfagging

2018-09-02 07:26:47 UTC

2018-09-02 07:27:15 UTC  

because solder wont stick to this fancy white Hori PCB

2018-09-02 08:52:29 UTC

2018-09-02 08:52:49 UTC  

I seemed to have burned some holes in my soldering tip

2018-09-02 08:54:38 UTC  

but how?

2018-09-02 10:04:01 UTC  

ive worked with different soldering irons and have not encountered this phenomenom<:thronk:441701565607444482>

2018-09-02 10:29:23 UTC  

a bad tip maybe or some kind of cemical reaction is my bet

2018-09-02 11:15:37 UTC  

acid resin core?

2018-09-02 11:40:27 UTC  

no idea. its a crap soldering iron and pack-in solder

2018-09-02 11:43:34 UTC  

i have a backup iron, so it would be nice to figure out what im doing wrong before i start using that one

2018-09-02 12:17:51 UTC  

@M4Gunner you've never had a tip go bad? @Nordhand is basically correct - you probably have been scraping it on metal wool? You get a little scratch going and then it reacts with the flux - that tip is going to melt from the inside out now once you get enough flux and tin in that hole.

Buy a new tip or just go for a new iron. The Goot adjustbale irons are cheap but super awesome

2018-09-02 12:18:54 UTC  

close, i tried cleaning it with a soft towel 🤣

2018-09-02 12:19:23 UTC  

good to know now, thank you

2018-09-02 12:42:22 UTC

2018-09-02 12:42:41 UTC  

this right here is something quite a few people who do a lot of soldering never use

2018-09-02 12:42:59 UTC  

some irons actually tell you to not use them

2018-09-02 12:43:26 UTC  

EG those Hakko stylus tips

2018-09-02 12:44:20 UTC  

but there's other stuff like some tips are just weak to a lot of flux or you may have nicked it

2018-09-02 12:45:37 UTC  

either way, unless you're using fancy Hakko tips most are pertty cheap. My most expensive Goot tip was maybe 1,200JPY (like $12)

2018-09-02 12:46:12 UTC  

I'd go for a Hakko station but I don't do nearly enough precision work to warrant it

2018-09-02 13:01:09 UTC  

AliExpress has 10packs of tips for $3

2018-09-02 13:01:30 UTC  

probly crap but i could afford to replace them every day 😄

2018-09-02 13:04:09 UTC  

well, it all depends on what you're soldering too

2018-09-02 13:04:30 UTC  

if you're doing surface mount and stuff like that then you should actually use a good iron and tip

2018-09-02 13:04:57 UTC  

but pretty much anything else and a $6 tip should last you a good year or more

2018-09-02 13:05:55 UTC  

I have a client trying to weasel out of a bill and I saw it a fucking mile a way. I put a stop on an addition to the order because I knew if it went any further he'd just drop off the face of the earth

2018-09-02 13:13:35 UTC  

im mostly practicing on cheap craft circuits and old PCBs. I probly wont try to solder onto a fresh board until i get better

2018-09-02 13:14:09 UTC  

if i had a nice station i might find a way to ruin it 😄

2018-09-02 13:14:33 UTC  

I bought a multimeter and one of the first things I learned was using it incorrectly can break it

2018-09-02 14:55:33 UTC  

once you get into it get a good multimeter. I've got a fluke I've been using for... like 20 years now 😄