Message from @Reaps

Discord ID: 423888886658498560

2018-03-14 17:15:38 UTC  

you know, like the 500,000 - 3 million occurances of that nature as estimated by the CDC

2018-03-14 17:20:35 UTC  

"AR-15 firing a 100 bullets a minute"

2018-03-14 17:20:48 UTC  


2018-03-14 17:32:47 UTC  

I've seen the citation for that CDC line, that's from an optimistic study from 2001. A pessimistic study puts the number around 108k, though it's still quite a lot yearly for only having 17k all-cause total deaths as reported by the FBI

2018-03-14 21:44:14 UTC  

yeah, I've read it being as 'low' as 108k too

2018-03-15 02:59:42 UTC  

Ugh, just got in an argument with an art student friend of mine who basically believed all guns should be unilaterally be out of the general populace's hands. I made the self defense argument, and he had the following stance:

A situation where you would need to defend yourself is so rare, it doesn't outweigh all of the deaths from shootings / gun violence, and that you shouldn't be so paranoid. Is this what kids believe nowadays?

2018-03-15 03:00:17 UTC  

I'm not even a gun guy really, but believe it should be an option to those it matters to

2018-03-15 03:16:32 UTC  

But it's not rare. He's irrational.

2018-03-15 03:16:58 UTC  

It definitely outweights, yes, by sheer numbers.

Everyday you wear that gun, you look like an idiot, until the day you need it.

2018-03-15 10:55:32 UTC  

As we were discussing above, even the lowball number is 108,000 cases of self-defence using a firearm

2018-03-15 10:57:16 UTC  

So basically due to the spectacle of mass shootings totalling 20-60 deaths per year, we should void those other 108,000 instances

2018-03-15 11:59:13 UTC  


2018-03-15 11:59:14 UTC  

I was hoping for a Street Sweeper

2018-03-15 16:33:10 UTC

2018-03-15 16:33:23 UTC  

I love getting ammo in the mail

2018-03-15 17:03:06 UTC  

`The couple regularly posted videos of much safer pranks to a YouTube channel in a bid to achieve internet fame. Perez told investigators Ruiz had convinced her to participate by showing her other books he had shot where the bullet did not go through to the other side.`

2018-03-15 17:03:20 UTC  

"huh, I wonder what gun they were us-"

2018-03-15 17:03:22 UTC  

`They used a GoPro camera to record the video in which Perez aimed a Desert Eagle .50 calibre at the book before pulling the trigger.`

2018-03-15 17:03:24 UTC  


Deagle 30cm range 1.5 inches of paper for armor

What could go wrong?

2018-03-15 17:24:15 UTC  


The House with the missiles on the top of it? KEK

2018-03-15 17:39:12 UTC  

It's not even matching the required black-to-scary ratio

2018-03-15 22:38:08 UTC  


2018-03-15 22:38:59 UTC

2018-03-16 01:36:44 UTC  
2018-03-16 02:38:03 UTC

This classic on T_D

"In 480 BC, the Persian king Xerxes demanded that the Spartans give up their weapons. King Leonidas responded with the phrase ΞœΞŸΞ›Ξ©Ξ ΛΑΒΕ (molon labe) which meant "Come and take them." This led to the Battle of Thermopylae. The ignorant millennial in the photo was part of yesterday's Tide Pod Walkout.

2018-03-16 10:54:37 UTC  

Some students got forcefully removed from the walkout, for having signs in favor of the second amendment.