Message from @The Nobel Surprise
Discord ID: 507761444272734218
played the first mission and intro shit
I enjoyed it Β―\_(γ)_/Β―
let it be known I have never played any other xcom game
it's possible that the people who hate it hate it because it's not the same as the xcom they love
it's a 3rd person team based tactical cover shooter
and the mechanics seem really solid
I hope that's the reason
that people hate it
maybe I'll get it
because I love the XCOM games, but I also love shooters
if you like any sort of turn based stuff, you should definitely play xcom 2
Its first person shooter xcom
Its decent
third person but ye
Bleh been a while since i played it
what font?
Feller 2.0
Oh boy this gun be good.
I got Ring of Elysium, and I'm going to try it out tomorrow.
is fallout 76 any good? like, worth playing when its on sale for $5?
is that brazil mod for new vegas any good?
from what ive seen, it seems to blow 76 out of the water.
@Cirno it's fucking superb
One of the damn overhaul mods
stay away from Fallout 76, it a huge buggy mess that need at least a year of work before it comes close to a state where you can say it ready for actual release
amazing game
what do you guys think about me streaming hoi4 every morning
I don't even know what hoi4 is
hearts of iron 4