Message from @A Random Crusader
Discord ID: 451817785870385187
I'll rape your dog
📹 <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>
its-okay-it-wasnt-real-communism-we-can-try-again-31533768.png 500×487 pixels
that picture with trump and kim
looks like the start of a porn parody
Pinochet did nothing wrong
Simo Hayha is a better meme than Pinochet
Unironically he was best South American in history
“Remove Gommunism :DDDDDDD” -Simo “The Gondola Death” Hayha
I'm going to beat you to death with an empty plate for such mockery of history
No, u
Speaking of Star Wars, why has no one taken that clip of Luke throwing the lightsaber over his shoulder and replaced the saber with a picture of the Last Jedi DVD instead?
das kaden's boyfriend
@Deleted User truth
this guy creeps me out.
lose what?