Message from @nigamajiga
Discord ID: 452552391167049728
Yeah true
but he's not wrong here
all late night show hosts are tied for that award
i still love this
As Seen in PewDiePie!
get bent socialists
Yaron is Mr Intensity
The only flaw in his line of thinking is... Puerto Rico is shit. No federal government = can't even recover from a storm that comes in every year.
kay that was
actually kinda funny
"I'm out here...
*s u p p o s e d l y*"
wew lad
you have a license for the spatula mate?
^ solution
they have actually captured a UK citizen in the process of defending himself from a thug with a wooden spatula they sharpened into a point with the side walk
how much you want to bet
those knife deposit bins have nothing but dog shit in them
Sensitive Joss Whedon trying to get back into their good graces
After they chased him off of twitter in the first place
Yeah I remember that
IIRC they thought he kinda shunted Black Widow into being a Damsel character