Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 452484460362072065
@Deleted User holy fuck the televised thot patrol is gold
yes my dude
Just say no to traps
Fekin Aussie shitposters
**I am outside of the inane endless struggle of humanity.**
how constructive of you
@King Canuck Trevor Noah is in constant competition with Samantha Bee and Amy Schumer for least funny person on earth
Yeah true
but he's not wrong here
all late night show hosts are tied for that award
i still love this
As Seen in PewDiePie!
get bent socialists
Yaron is Mr Intensity
The only flaw in his line of thinking is... Puerto Rico is shit. No federal government = can't even recover from a storm that comes in every year.
kay that was
actually kinda funny
"I'm out here...
*s u p p o s e d l y*"