Message from @Reaps
Discord ID: 377545348736090112
Now all we need are nonwhite exclusionary radical feminists
its gonna be good
its beautiful isn’t it
dumbass SJWs dont even realised we use them
a fucking pizza restaurant is now about to get for something they didn’t even do
but that doesnt matter
Papa bless
Dude, the media is in full blown nazi hysteria
For how many months now?
Since Trump got in
I would like to see how midterms turn out
This is fantastic. The Daily Stormer just needs to lash out and say "Google is the official search engine for the alt-right" and put up a picture of James Damore.
It probably is
Since Google is the official engine for a huge percentage of the internet
Yeah, that's the point. People need to realize that the alt-right are just people doing ordinary people stuff and there is not always a political edge to everything
Why would the AR want to associate itself with the pizza company that paid to be in the Ghostbusters reboot?
Clearly, the AR are..
(((((((((((((🤦 ))))))))))))))
So after today's Philip Defranco Show, does the DailyStormer need to name themselves the #1 Taylor Swift fansite?
let me see it
ALCU says Taylor Swift has become an Alt-Right icon basically
I thought that was old news
Apparently it got brought to Phil's attention as articles about the ACLU's response cropped up
@Fulcrum010 The ball got rolling back in September apparently
i'm watching
apparently if you don't say nothing against it, you are a nazi
Duh Nazi
BTW I'm against Nazis
I'm virtuous
If you don't Virtue Signal, you're a Nazi
That sounds like something a Nazi would say
Sounds like a good reason to spread far and wide #IWouldn'tEvenRapeYou
i wouldn't even call you a nazi
I wouldn't even genocide you
i wouldnt even rape than genocide you
I wouldn't even be Mongolian