Message from @Nordhand

Discord ID: 516603464369831938

2018-11-26 07:59:53 UTC  


2018-11-26 10:23:34 UTC  

What made him think he could talk shit about the 4th Reich in their capital

No. He's the Nazi

2018-11-26 10:31:19 UTC

That title πŸ˜„

2018-11-26 11:26:07 UTC  


2018-11-26 12:51:41 UTC  

"we ain't callin you a liar but"

2018-11-26 12:52:26 UTC  

Because lasers bouncing to and from the moon ain't proofs enough

2018-11-26 12:57:20 UTC  

well Russia did believe them the first time, as but if they want to restart the moon race I'm not going to stop them

Too busy visiting Mars

2018-11-26 13:00:08 UTC  

we be on mars a long time ago if they still had the budgets the moon program did get

Don't see Norway reaching into it's pockets apart from giving the Brazilians $1B for trees

2018-11-26 13:10:26 UTC  

last we did do space shit we almost did start a nuclear war

2018-11-26 13:15:16 UTC  

Why not then<:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

2018-11-26 13:16:51 UTC  

if we start a nuclear war, who is going to buy all the fun weapons we make in Norway πŸ˜›

2018-11-26 13:17:13 UTC  

Use them

2018-11-26 13:17:43 UTC  

that looks bad so we sell them to the US and Saudia to let them use them πŸ˜›

2018-11-26 13:18:24 UTC  

Let's kickstart evolution again

2018-11-26 13:20:55 UTC  

Wtf lol

2018-11-27 12:48:00 UTC

2018-11-27 12:49:04 UTC  


2018-11-27 12:49:05 UTC  


2018-11-27 12:49:36 UTC  


2018-11-27 12:49:44 UTC  

What's a flunkies

2018-11-27 12:49:57 UTC  

like minions

2018-11-27 12:50:01 UTC  


2018-11-27 12:50:19 UTC  

Also can we call slawery gay now

2018-11-27 16:20:29 UTC

2018-11-27 16:40:51 UTC  


Yeah I have in the past taken the phone away from my God Daughter but I've never read her txts etc

More early teens, wouldn't do that these days.

2018-11-27 17:03:54 UTC  

And probably didn't smash it

or shoot it with a gun

put it in my pocket if we are out. lock it in the cupboard if we are at her Moms πŸ˜„

2018-11-27 17:30:27 UTC  

Eh i dont see anything wrong with it. Smashing it might be a bit much, but if thats her money than cant really complain. The teen shouldnt have anything she is afraid of momma seeing.