Message from @JDM_WAAAT
Discord ID: 376090736632004608
Surely dem whitefolk came and stole them from the ancient Mesopotamians
We wuz cobblers
bug dawg
Destiny told me that assuming someone is joking about racism is racist in of itself
Oh shit
Did you just assume my humour?
I thought saying I wasn't racist is racist
fuck off racist
I think mentioning race at all is racist
If you're white
goddamn racists everywhere
But also being colorblind is racist
what about white with 1% turkish
Turks can't be racist
I watched Valley of the Wolves
they are super-not racist
I'm saved, but I am also a saracen. I must crusade against myself. Deus Vult.
Well at least you won't have to travel very far
well shit.
"In Mesopotamia, (c. 1600-1200 BC) a type of soft shoes were worn by the mountain people who lived on the border of Iran."
Ooo they wrapped something on their feet
The glories of ancient wisdom
"my feet hurt, what can I do about this"
Inside the mind of a genius
> I'm Italian
> Italy is Mediterranean
> the Mediterranean Sea touches Africa
> Egypt in Africa
> the Nile River in Egypt flows into the Mediterranean
that terrorist is white
he is white
he is just not toothpaste white
Uzbecks are related to many ethicities
he is not a "PoC"
fuck that