Message from @radeon
Discord ID: 377158448368058369
plenty care its just the corporations money is louder than our words
No one cares enough to go follow through with their voting habits on it
Ugh my signal is trash
If the people hated it they would have them voted out in a heathbeat
That is why the build up was released with Trump I think
Ugh my signal is trash
net neutrality is like over 90% support in the US but its still very contentious in congress
Again do you theten them with voting them out?
because the telecom corporations bought everyone out
and our system doesn't allow for a decent third party to rise
and replace them with who? the problem is we have a de facto oligarchy
The biggest problem with Congress is that they have no term limits
Oligarchy is always inevitable
this is why the mainstream media hates trump, he isn't one of them
Corps are people my friend
yes, but their goals are vastly different from the common man
trump is a reaction to democucks and rethuglicans being two sides of the same corrupt coin
trump is that snake in the grass you find at your workplace
nice to your face but will quite happily slag you off to others
yeah, I basically want another Teddy Roosevelt, but thats a huge fucking pipe dream
You need campaign finance reform
Trump cobras > Clinton vipers
of course
I see him more as a response to social tensions and the media
TUNNEL SNAKES>Trump cobras > Clinton vipers
Anti-white sentiment and the demonization of American patriotism
@franti of course, thats why I supported wolfpac back during my TYT days, before they went really shit
i feel like everyone had a TYT phase
But for me more as an american left take on things
Until they jumped the Sam Harris shark
I also watch shapiro for right takes
I've started watching Crowder but I haven't really seen Shapiro
Crowder is also a lens
I watch Shapiro as well, I watch Milo for entertainment purposes, and Larry Elder was pretty good on Dave Rubin
I haven't watched Crowder in over a year
Crowder's good for Amy Schumer realted stuff, not much else
He really pises me of with the whole climate chenge thing