Message from @Mal
Discord ID: 377180445105979394
Not melanin
how does low IQ cause crime, directly?
I see where this is going . Get rid of blacks get rid of crime
stupid people are not fundamentally violent there has to be an underlying reason
yep nice straw man
nope, he will never say that @franti
Only if you're an idiot is that the solution
this conversation is devolving
@Boris Todbringer I am just following this to its conclusion
Slippery slope fallacy
it's the same reason why Richard Spencer says he wants to peacefully remove all non whites of America, when he knows quite well that it's impossible to do it peacefully
well, to be honest, it was pretty devolved to begin with 😛
Let me ask you, am I an asian supremacist for pointing out that Asians have a genetically higher average IQ? They also make more money and commit less crime
Why is it that when blacks are doing badly it's a result of ''racism'', but when Asians are doing comparatively better you just ignore it to fit your agenda?
if we accept your conclusions, Charles
But it's not a result of racism
I never claimed that
where have we said that?
speaking of strawmen...
Well subcultures affect it too
We don't believe blacks are doing badly because of that
literally no one said that
Many on the left say just that
Most centrists though ascribe most of the responsibility to cultural factors
From what I've seen
Since most leftists claim that, I just wanted to make sure we are on the same page here
I ascribe it to the consequences of the welfare state goign out of control
and of course the drug war
compunding that
it turns into a snowball effect
if economic condition alone can bridge a ***50*** IQ gap than I fail to see how "race realism" is in any way relevant
It doesn't
your own chart proved it.
Which one?
If X gives you 50 points, I don't see how getting 10 more points matters
You will almost never meet a black individual with an IQ of a 120 or higher