Message from @Jimmy Marr
Discord ID: 329743284115210241
Well I have been looking for decently priced flag printers so I can make more AWD flags for later
Flags are good price for custom work, I searched around the web and found most places charge more. The material is high quality synthetic/cotton blend. They are very sturdy, much better than a standard cheap china nylon flag.
for you said it was 40 for one flag
what are the prices for multiple flags?
the usual rates I mean
$50 for 1, $45 for 5, $40 for 10. I ordered 10.
$50 is about the base level rate for custom flag work I found online...some companies charging much more, up to nearly $100.
decent rates it seems.
oh yeah I've noticed that myself.
sems this is the site
doxed lol
it wasn't that hard to find
I just put in the email to google lol
computer wiz
My life isn't complete without that flag
Fucking hell lmao
I'm sorry to hear that, @Wehrmacht but it's first-come-first-serve and I've taken a likin' to the Southern Battle flag. It has a communistic aura about it that I can't resist.
I may spruce mine up a bit with hammer and sickle stencil. If it turns out screwy looking I'll consider selling it to you at a slightly reduced cost, mkay Mr. Freemarket?
Are we going to have armbands?
Some Camo Fascadia armbands would look pretty good.
My new aesthetic: Skin head football hooligans with fascadia flecktarn armbands beating on antifa with steel toed boots, crashing the windows of businesses owned by darkies.
Opinions on the slogan?
It's not straight to the point!
"We must secure the existence of our people"
Trying for a template
how about something along the lines of "We stand with you white man! When the world is against you"
I like it.
I want a character like this with that slogan
Boy oh boy
well that character is a picture of an SS soldier that is vectored.
Or the character from the Nazi propaganda holding the flag
I want him
On a shit ton of posters
I personally wouldn't suggest that route
Infinite possibilities
as that is what almost everyone does except they just slap their flag on their.