Message from @Legiondude
Discord ID: 434811506811469825
Soyboy handling out flyers.
For once we agree evil Socialists!
These people are laughable
Brexit <:makes_you_think:382980749780844554>
So I've been researching Heinlein in preparation Sargons video about Starship Troopers
Sargon does the research I just fact him
I picked up rereading the book
Lol I thought I'd do my English paper on him
Interested in hearing Sargon's thoughts about one of the characters disparaging of natural rights
So, Heinlein didn't start writing until after halfway through his second marriage, which today would probably be called a 'Rabid Feminist'
His wife that is
Doesn't show with how Johnny fawns over the women stationed on his ship
Something about his wife's politics, combined with the closeout of the second world war, caused him to start writing, with even Heinlein calling it 'propaganda'.
Before all of this, he was an active member of the Socialist party as well
TL;DR He got woke on communism, and started to tear into it
So like Orwell
Idk, I haven't looked up his personal life
I wonder how much living with this "Rabid Feminist" shaped his views going into writing *The Moon is a Harsh Mistress*
The relationships in that one are a bit more communal
So now, I'm organizing his entire bibliography by date, and cross referencing his personal life along with social changes in the 60s and 70s
You can even classify his works by 'diagnosis' 'perscription' and 'possible future outcomes'
The basic concept resonates with me because I do give at least one afternoon and normally an evening as well to unpaid community service per week
Service is Citizenship
I've classified that one (starship) as a 'prescription'.
Take a look at "for us, the living". That's his first piece of writing
Guy gets in a car accident, and wakes up 150 years in the future
And it's not a pretty future at that.
but I'm curious to see what Sargon makes of it
Oh, yeah. But that's just the one book. I'm looking at his collection as a collection of thoughts about the political climate of the Era it was written in
So fascinating
Now I'm reading up on his Wikipedia article
His second wife was a nudist, an alcoholic, and permitted an open relationship. I'm sort of amazed he managed to last 15 years at that
That was HIS thing as well!