Message from @beornmod
Discord ID: 300795816463958018
Ended 14m ago
Looks like it's over already
Are you able to see the replay?
So if somebody wants to get in touch with me about what specific channels we should have on here I would be happy to set things up, I jus don't want to overstep by bounds so to speak
We might try getting some people in here first.
Yeah the replay is pretty good
Banned from Twitter for 3.5 more hours for some reason
Well the timer ran down and now it just says I'm suspended.
That's what they always do to me too
That's pretty devious.
Hello kameraden, I have arrived
I have never used Discord before, total n00b
It has really good voice chat and file sharing
Who are you in our Twitter DM?
Oh, nvm. PDX I presume?
I sent an invite to 1488, hopefully we'll see him join us soon...
That'd be cool
Another feature you guys should be aware of is you can tag people in messages and it will create a notification on their phone
You can also pin messages to a specific channel
Is this the jewish support group? My rabbi sent me the invite code.
You can also tag a specific channel for instance if you were directing someone where to put specific discussion
We should try to do like a weekly voice chat or something that would be cool
Oy vey this is the own borders for Israel group, I think your rabbi was confused
Your right goyim, Israel does need more diversity. I will have to tell rabbi babycockstein about your insightful wisdom
Back to my original handle
Fourteen Eight Eight
I think I'm IP banned from Twitter. I'm going to need to do some janky shit to get it back
Yeah I'm literally getting banned as soon as I make an account
All the chat history seems to have disappeared for me...