Message from @DatGoy
Discord ID: 323963356069494785
0 is the answer
the best are the explicit nazi songs that TRS makes as parodies of 70's and 80's rock
I'm not knocking your hustle playboy nawwadimsayin sheeeeite fasho
/pol/ was right again
we wuz aryan kangz
"turn in my guns and feel the shame, dindu gun crime is my fault, im to blame"
Music time kids
gather round as I post you the songs of our people
your german march has never been more appropriate over a song
I have to share my workout music with you, goyim
Blink 1488 "Aryans From Space"
Blink 1488 is awesome
I'm about to eat a bunch of undercooked potatoes so I can meet jimmy at the range in time. Feeling very Russian. Might do some hacking tonight once the spuds kick it.
isnt that moraiku?
The "Merchant Minute" goyim?
shut it down was so good
Dunno about 'goyim', i heard he's got 2% jew and negroid! So much so that he can channel his inner Dequan
I don't believe tests
they are trying to curb our movement by trying to destroy the concept of "whiteness"
(((Concept of whiteness)))
they say almost everyone has some jew in them, probably to destroy antisemitism, at least in their minds
Nah that was part of his series, watch the last 5 or so merchant minutes, they're top quality
it was indeed part of it, but does he believe it?
His mind controlled by his inner jew so uh probably?
or did he play on it for his merchant minute episodes?
He becomes a schizo with ethnic personalities
And it was entertaining, but look at how many people are jewish according to those tests
I don't buy it
if the 6 gorillion died there wouldn't be so many people with kike ancestry
even if only .04%
Well they pick up strands that correspond to different groups More commonly, and the share of those strands determines your %. So you could just happen to have similar genes to jew but not have any jew ancestry and it could say like 2%.
Once it gets 5-10% an ancestor is very likely but below that, it's no proof