Message from @Fluxis

Discord ID: 328404718923677698

2017-06-25 04:45:37 UTC  

I drank half gallon soy milk each day for a few months, for the calorie/nutrient supplement. Never again let me tell you...

2017-06-25 04:45:53 UTC  

You had the same problem I had then?

2017-06-25 04:46:11 UTC  

I was crying over pride and prejudice! Pride and prejudice!

2017-06-25 04:46:27 UTC  

Oh man, I was a mess while drinking it.

2017-06-25 04:46:40 UTC  

I can imagine the other "problems" you had bro.

2017-06-25 04:46:46 UTC  

Feels bad man.

2017-06-25 04:46:52 UTC  

Soy diet: transgenderism without the commitment!

2017-06-25 04:47:01 UTC  


2017-06-25 04:47:18 UTC  

yeah, I don't drink it anymore either.

2017-06-25 04:47:38 UTC  

Especially not when they have cashew milk available

2017-06-25 04:47:45 UTC  

It's tolerable normally, but after eating that gluten, oh it's terrible.

2017-06-25 04:47:54 UTC  

You drink cashew milk as well?

2017-06-25 04:48:07 UTC  

It is the new nationalist elixir of life.

2017-06-25 04:48:13 UTC  

Nah but it seems you're a big fan

2017-06-25 04:48:20 UTC  

Maybe I need to try it tbh...

2017-06-25 04:48:30 UTC  

It keeps my acne in check.

2017-06-25 04:51:55 UTC  

Cashew milk is amazing for building up muscle mass.

2017-06-25 05:06:57 UTC  

Once again, i would like to see a health channel.

2017-06-25 05:21:55 UTC  

cashew is a master race fruit

2017-06-25 05:22:28 UTC  

Then why don't i look master race any more?

2017-06-25 05:23:06 UTC  

because you're not a cashew duh

2017-06-25 15:02:36 UTC  

"The idea of paintball war gaming is, of course, that nationalists publicly start preparing for war. The worst mistake would be to do this secretly somewhere in the forests. Combat training for the coming civil war must be brought outrageously in the open—obviously, where there are vacant buildings and rundown factories, but hopefully near where people live so that as many as possible can see what nationalists are doing. Once people realize what is going on they begin to believe that the country really is heading toward a violent confrontation and those who prepare for it openly and systematically are seen strong and powerful. Considering the state our societies are today, it doesn’t take much to shake people’s confidence in the system, this way we will scare the general public to accept our vision of the future.

Nationalists should start to act like a real insurgent army and start forming real units, where fighters have ranks and specialized tasks for different situations—it doesn’t matter how small this unit is as long as long as everything is done properly: Uniforms, training and structure. What ever nationalists do as a group they must always have a structure—this way outsiders take them seriously and they take themselves even more seriously—and obviously, nationalist fighters must look good!! Paintball war gaming is not just a bunch of lads running around and shooting each other but a PR campaign, a publicity stunt, a way advertize our concept to the general public and to other nationalists. Creating paramilitary combat units is in itself an open challenge to the system and it will not go unnoticed. By giving an impression of structure, discipline and determination nationalists will spread a sense of unease among the liberals as they start to wonder if there is something going on that they have no control upon. Nationalists do not have fire arms, but their attitude and attire alone make them look dangerous and appealing enough." -Kai Murros

2017-06-25 15:09:08 UTC  

Brilliant. ^^^

2017-06-25 15:16:37 UTC  

The medium is the message. When you appear in public with fat old men, christians and women in your company, you are announcing to the world that you are NOT serious. Don't do it. Dickie just fucked us is the ass by inviting Housewife With a Purpose to speak at "Unite the Right". The thing was so christ-cucked from the beginning that this latest PR debacle probably hasn't done much to poz the event any further.

2017-06-25 15:20:26 UTC  

My guess is that Spencer cucked to The Housewife in order to compensate for the butthurt his wife, Nina Byzantina, inflicted on her in Twitter last week. As long as we continue to see women at the forefront of our movement, you can rest assured we are going nowhere.

2017-06-25 15:21:13 UTC  

What weapons do you all have? I have mostly bolt action hunting rifles, and a semi automatic SKS.

2017-06-25 15:21:33 UTC  

We have brains.

2017-06-25 15:21:58 UTC  

Is gun talk a no-no here?

2017-06-25 15:27:39 UTC  

I feel bad because the aforementioned group training is currently impossible for me. I suppose when that is the case, it's up to me to try even harder to improve myself in that aspect.

2017-06-25 15:29:49 UTC  

Jimmy, you must be typing up a shit storm.

2017-06-25 15:31:04 UTC  

To my way of thinking this Unite the Right event is another futile attempt at Big Tent racialism, which is a contradiction in terms. It's an Impurity Spiral. It's an effort generate mass by disposing of principles and overlooking internal contradictions. 10 cripples will not a whole man make.

2017-06-25 15:32:13 UTC  

I'm having a HAC attack.

2017-06-25 15:32:55 UTC  

Actually, I'm not. HAC is most miserable example of a Big Tent charlatan to ever waddle down the racialist road.

2017-06-25 15:33:20 UTC  

I never liked it either, the biggest error at hand in that aspect is that none of the groups in question will give up leadership to a main authority, bringing us back to a pathetic form of democracy.

2017-06-25 15:33:40 UTC  

HAC is a serious hypocrite.

2017-06-25 15:34:31 UTC  

"You people do nothing but talk, so you should read my books and listed to my talk show"

2017-06-25 15:34:45 UTC  

Are we all in the same time zone?

2017-06-25 15:38:29 UTC  

Yes, HAC walks the walk just like a goddamned "Housewife" who is going to demonstrate her "Purpose" by traveling around the country on the Alt-Fright's speaking circuit. Give me a goddamned break.

2017-06-25 15:39:06 UTC  

I heard he'd dying.

2017-06-25 15:39:52 UTC  

If I had a blonde wig and nice set of falsies I could have 3K beta male Twitter followers by morning.

2017-06-25 15:40:01 UTC  

Could it be from spending too much time at the buffet?