Message from @turtwig

Discord ID: 508202611611271168

2018-11-03 08:24:47 UTC  

It's getting somewhat better now with time, but her rehab was not that good, no pro level support there, but now she got training at home once a week. We need a selfpropelled lightweight wheelchair but until now her insurance did not want to give her one, only one of the really big and heavy ones, but those things are not suited for us, because we can'T put it into our car and have no room in our appartement. and without the wheelchair she isn't mobile enough to go to work

2018-11-03 08:28:33 UTC  

@turtwig and it's okay, we take it with dark humor ourselves

2018-11-03 08:29:38 UTC  

damn that's a bit of a shit show

2018-11-03 08:30:27 UTC  

and let me guess, she doesn't get disability payments because if she could *get* to work she would be fit for work

Yeah mate, he could have used a normal one while the problem got sorted. Just making a show of himself

2018-11-03 08:36:07 UTC  

no, at least it's not that bad. She get's money because she worked long enough and after that she will get wellfare. In addition because she is disabled we get money for stuff you need when you are disabled, like toilet seats that are higher and grips for the shower etc and that money can't be counted against wellfare, so she gets both

Which is a valid use of welfare πŸ‘πŸΏ

Specialised Chairs is always a difficult one. Tommy Robinson has done multiple fundraisers for that

2018-11-03 08:41:07 UTC  

my mum has two completely fucked legs, can't walk more than a couple of steps unaided, with crutches she can maybe walk to the top of the street. she is in constant extreme pain and only weed seems to have any remedying effects

2018-11-03 08:41:25 UTC  

but every year the state is like "lol ur fine no disability payments"

2018-11-03 08:41:48 UTC  

and then every year she has to get a ridiculously invasive assessment in which the doctor finally concedes that there is no way she could work

2018-11-03 08:41:52 UTC  

good shit

2018-11-03 08:45:47 UTC  

can't walk at all for like a week because of the amount of pain the doctor causes her πŸ‘Œ

Welcome to the NHS

They killed my Grandad. So fuck them

2018-11-03 08:51:29 UTC  

meanwhile you see these people that seem to have nothing wrong with them at all parking in disabled spaces in their lexus starcruiser that mobility has supplied to them free of charge and it's like "<:thronk:441701565607444482>"

2018-11-03 08:55:21 UTC  


2018-11-03 08:55:29 UTC  

is that cat from red dwarf

2018-11-03 08:55:44 UTC  

Danny John Jules or whatever

Something smells nice

2018-11-03 09:33:04 UTC  


2018-11-03 09:35:17 UTC  

needs more communism

2018-11-03 09:40:37 UTC

2018-11-03 09:41:52 UTC  


2018-11-03 09:42:06 UTC  

the commie one stays but the antifa one goes to <#372508286529961996>

2018-11-03 09:42:06 UTC  


2018-11-03 09:42:12 UTC  


2018-11-03 09:42:20 UTC  



Growing up my God Daughter was funny with Carrots so I used to joke it was cus she is a Red Head πŸ˜„

2018-11-03 10:25:01 UTC  

They advice parents gainst biting their children ... Who the fuck bites their children oO ? I can get behind smacking, kicking, hitting, throwing sth @ them, throwing them against something ... but biting ????

I'm such a intimdating force. Never needed to raise my hand