Message from @The Inquisitor [☧]

Discord ID: 383462697007841300

2017-11-24 03:36:36 UTC  

"Fascistic democracy" is democracy in the sense an elective monarchy is a democracy.

2017-11-24 03:36:51 UTC  

The idea is that they vote that power into the hands of the executive, so it wouldn't work in reverse

2017-11-24 03:37:12 UTC  

they would be voting to remove their ability to cancel it

2017-11-24 03:37:22 UTC  

A democracy that would vote itself away. A man can dream...

2017-11-24 03:37:40 UTC  

Like I said, They won't, but they could

2017-11-24 03:38:03 UTC  

I've always been in the RaHoWa camp tbh.

2017-11-24 03:38:09 UTC  

Democracy is an outgrowth of individualism and egalitarianism, so its hardly compatible with fascism

2017-11-24 03:38:32 UTC  

In "Der Nazi-Sozi", the model Dr. Goebbels proposes has democratic elements

2017-11-24 03:38:53 UTC  

The two core tenets of democracy are that A. Each individual gets the same level of influence (1 vote), egalitarianism. B. Each individual has moral agency and worth that makes them suited to influence governmental affairs

2017-11-24 03:39:00 UTC  

Neither of those ideas are compatible with fascism

2017-11-24 03:39:34 UTC  

Namely, a lower house that is democratically elected, the franchise being by occupation

2017-11-24 03:40:04 UTC  

There's also a Senate, whose members are appointed from among the elite by the Dictator

2017-11-24 03:40:46 UTC  

Dude this is gr88

2017-11-24 03:40:50 UTC  

Fascism is about subordinating yourself and your interests to the good of the nation. It puts the individual last when it comes to social organization.

2017-11-24 03:40:58 UTC  

The NS Parliament, however, is purely economic

2017-11-24 03:41:10 UTC  

Wait wtf I was replying to something else

2017-11-24 03:41:43 UTC  

Instead of democracy’s parliamentary system, we will have an economic parliamentof the National Socialist state. It will be chosen by the totality of the working German people. Everyone will have a vote. This election, however, will not involve parliamentary parties, but rather by the great professions within the people’s community. German professions are organized down to the smallest detail, and provide the guarantee that each working German will have the right to have his will, his accomplishments, and his responsibility taken into consideration by the state. The economic parliament will manage economic policy, not state policy.

That will be managed by the Senate. It will consist of about 200 personalities, chosen by the dictator from all groups and classes. It will lead the state. These 200 will be the elite from the whole people. They will provide the government with advice and support. They will be appointed for life. In the event of death, another will be appointed.

The senate will select the chancellor. He will have full responsibility for the whole policy of the Reich, both domestic and foreign. He will be ready to give his life for that policy if necessary.

The chancellor will choose his ministers and officials. He will also have full responsibility over them, which means he can appoint and fire them at will.


2017-11-24 03:42:34 UTC  

Interesting idea

2017-11-24 03:42:58 UTC  

Mind you, for the time being, a wholesale rejection of the democratic principle is our best course

2017-11-24 03:43:05 UTC  

I agree.

2017-11-24 03:43:51 UTC  

In the future National Socialist state, we can introduce elements of populism as are appropriate, but in the present, democracy is synonymous with liberalism

2017-11-24 03:44:02 UTC  

Heidegger explicitly said "only individuals are creative (even to lead), the crowd never"

2017-11-24 03:44:19 UTC  

Illiberal democracy is a thing, but it's considered the exception

2017-11-24 03:46:01 UTC  

One big problem I had with GLR was that he tried to fit traditionally american values in to national socialism, when the two are at odds in almost every way

2017-11-24 03:46:18 UTC  

So if you listen to GLR alone, which a lot of spergs do, you become confused about what fascism and NS actually is

2017-11-24 03:46:24 UTC  

He was right to try

2017-11-24 03:46:34 UTC  

His failure is why we know it can't work

2017-11-24 03:46:47 UTC  

reading what GLR said about how the Founding Fathers were actually Fascists makes me cringe

2017-11-24 03:46:48 UTC  

GLR speaks in simple terms, which makes him a good orator, but also means that a lot gets lost in translation

2017-11-24 03:47:14 UTC  

Yea, it is cringe. I know people who unironically think that

2017-11-24 03:47:22 UTC  

How you can believe that is beyond me

2017-11-24 03:47:30 UTC  

If a man as great as GLR couldn't make it work, then none of us will be able to

2017-11-24 03:47:38 UTC  

@BasedWhiteGoy to counter what you say about Heidegger, there exists the "hive mind analysis" phenomenon, where groups of people making predictions about something are usually better than an individual

2017-11-24 03:47:50 UTC  

Though I do think that if he hadn't been murdered, there's a good chance he would have become Governor

2017-11-24 03:48:08 UTC  

Fascism, intellectually, sprung from a rejection of modernity and the enlightenment. Almost every major fascist philosopher was very explicit about that

2017-11-24 03:48:10 UTC  

He was murdered by the fucking feds because he made so much sense

2017-11-24 03:48:14 UTC  

GLR failed because he was fucking assassinated.

2017-11-24 03:48:15 UTC  

The founders created a nation steeped in modernity

2017-11-24 03:48:40 UTC  

for example, it's been shown that when a bunch of people play a "guess the weight game", their answers, while varying wildly, will always average out very close to the true value

2017-11-24 03:48:52 UTC  

(((They))) knew GLR was redpilling too many too fast.

2017-11-24 03:48:56 UTC  

the same is true of other things