Message from @Kombat-Unit
Discord ID: 332739995343257623
Y'all doing alright?
Lost a guy to Troy Southgate tism smh 😢
Oh yeah, that Southgate nigga too. Another "OC ideology donotsteel". Yeah, internet nationalism was fucking shit back then, basically everyone did the same mistakes over and over. "Y-yeah guys fascism/nationalism/nazism isn't racism or antisemitism..." Having witnessed the old cancer, I have no patience and immediately shut down all the civic cucks. I will not rest until everyone has been pushed to SIEGE/RAHOWA/EH mode.
It's not that long ago I heard someone suggest "M-Mussolini wasn't r-really racist" here as well, but I dropped some redpills.
"If Petrograd (Pietrograd) does not yet fall, if [General] Denikin is not moving forward, then this is what the great Jewish bankers of London and New York have decreed. These bankers are bound by ties of blood to those Jews who in Moscow as in Budapest are taking their revenge on the Aryan race that has condemned them to dispersion for so many centuries. In Russia, 80 percent of the managers of the Soviets are Jews, in Budapest 17 out of 22 people's commissars are Jews. Might it not be that bolshevism is the vendetta of Judaism against Christianity?? It is certainly worth pondering. It is entirely possible that bolshevism will drown in the blood of a pogrom of catastrophic proportions. World finance is in the hands of the Jews. Whoever owns the strongboxes of the peoples is in control of their political systems. Behind the puppets (making peace) in Paris, there are the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, the Schiffs, the Guggenheims who are of the same blood who are conquering Petrograd and Budapest. Race does not betray race....Bolshevism is a defense of the international plutocracy. This is the basic truth of the matter. The international plutocracy dominated and controlled by Jews has a supreme interest in all of Russian life accelerating its process of disintegration to the point of paroxysm. A Russia that is paralyzed, disorganized, starved, will be a place where tomorrow the bourgeoisie, yes the bourgeoisie, o proletarians will celebrate its spectacular feast of plenty." t. Mussolini
"Mussolini was colorblind philosemite" t. basic bitch "fascist"
I always disliked how some Fascists are blind to the JQ.
They're not fascists then, but something else.
If you're gonna go full Fash then one should know...
"Yeah breh Mussolini/Mosley wasn't racist it was that fucking racist Hitler that bullied Mussolini/Mosley into becoming racist against his will, and gave us fascists a bad name"
"I have been a racist since 1921. I don't know how they can think I'm imitating Hitler." t. Mussolini in 38
BUF cartoons were top pilled
"Any alliance whose purpose is not the intention to wage war is senseless and useless."
Adolf Hitler
Mein Kampf
What chapter was that? 13?
One day I shall become nazi-hafiz and memorize the entire thing.
Not already knowing the holy Kampf by heart? INSHALLAH
@Kombat-Unit not sure as I lifted it off someone else. I just felt that it was a very prescient statement as per usual with AH.
hero and a real human bean
I like to pop on the audio book version every so often.
Watch "Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler - Audio book" on YouTube
Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler - Audio book:
The bible of our folk.
One day, they'll all know it.
Good morning comrades 😃
Morning 😇
Tomorrow I meet w/ Vegas Comrades!
And I know how we will get our activism done.
We take control of the local HOAs and then begin phasing out Section 8 Housing and turning every HOA region into a 100% European American Region.
We allow for donations and in return we will provide those who donate with Homeschooling Supplies as well as supplies and instructions on how to build Hydroponic Farms at home.
Good morning! Hope everyone has a good white weekend :)
Likewise brother
What's the address for tomorrow's event?
Same. @Commander Johnson
I will be meeting Comrades tomorrow.
I'm so white, I work all weekend. Heuhuehuehueheu
Hope you all have a great event.