Message from @Justin Burger (Major-GA)
Discord ID: 375077883007205376
Happy Halloween!
I told my grandfather about TWP and the rally in Shelbyville and he was incredibly supportive of it.
Based Gramps.
W o k e
Spoopy also excellent
Tfw you're in two unrelated chats with Ian on two different messaging services
@☦Colton of Yore☦ yeah, my shield was fucked up from the beginning, i was assuming someone ran out of K's.
The Klansmen borrowed some
Hey, my girlfriend just reported that Antifa is rioting in St Augustine, Florida, they want the local confederate cavalry statues taken down.
She is in the same town.
They are also pissed because a local bakery owner came to work in blackface.
And the owner is refusing to say sorry.
not just blackface
she came dressed as Aunt Jemima
Ohhh noooo.
that makes it about 30% better
Lmao. I saw some shit going around on facebook about the jemima shit. Blows my mind theyre mad about it
blackpill though, she isn't racist and has mixed race grandchildren
OY VEY, how dare you impersonate my people
That fucking black face thing killed me 😂
I dressed up as a National Socialist for Halloween wen I took my kids out trick or treating I also had a tiki torch but I left it in the car...
Can you get away with shouting sieg heil in public if it's just a halloween costume
Or is that ***bad optics***
Damigo will cry himself to sleep, but thats about it.
All these optician faggots
@Justin Burger (Major-GA) Will he periscope it for our enjoyment
Not sure, but he will have a twitterfit.
lmao downloading this discography rn
Paddy is great.