Message from @Angry.
Discord ID: 637312527658778624
Women make sane, rational decisions
these people are cringe
yep, complete retards
@Billy Ray When did you get a chance to capture @Banjod on camera?
hitting a woman with an open hand or anything like that is not funny 😂
don't do that
@Muslim Dundee what is the bottom text?
The names of the owners lol
France has fallen man...
>be me two years ago
>27 year old khhv neet
>did nothing but sleep all day, shit post, vidya, and jack off to niche porn
>parents disgusted with me
>finally resolved to kms
>always wanted to go to italy
>have $2500 saved from old wagecuck gig and birthday and christmas
>decide to go and kms once i run out of money
>buy flight to da vinci
>stayed in a hostel for around 30 bucks a night
>have a good time
>few weeks later almost out of money
>figured it was time to do the deed
>by chance meet another american
>i tell him im out of money so probably leaving soon
>he told me he'd basically been living for free in europe doing odd jobs in exchange for a free place to stay
>shows me workaway
>i look at it and see a family needs help on a farm
>take train and bus
>meet the family
>in exchange for 6-8 hours of work 6 days a week i get food and board
>decide thats not so bad
>think i'll try it out and then kms after
>spend the next few weeks pruning olives, doing woodwork etc..
>hard work but i actually get some satisfaction out of it
>mediterranean sun on my back, my hands in the dirt, the smell of the italian countryside
>eating healthy mediterranean diet
>actually feel better
>decide to stay a little longer
>begin learning italian
>getting in shape
>can start to see abs for the first time in my life
>at a sunday dinner family introduces me to their niece Giulia
>19 8/10 brown skin Mediterranean cutie
>barely speaks english
>tell her i will teach her english if she teaches me italian
>mfw she agrees
>spend almost all of my free time with her
>completely forget about my plan to kms
>ask her on a date
>she says yes
>we date for a three months
>i know she is the one
>ask her to marry me
>tfw she says yes
>find out 5 months ago shes pregnant
>find out today we're having a boy
called my father to tell him today. first time we've spoken since i left. then i thought of you all. all this i have in this life i couldn't see happening 2 years ago. it gets better. one day at a time. don't give up
M A D L AD he made it motherfucker made it
this is why we die in 30 years
well not krogg
krogg is usrvivor
>be responsible for killing millions of slavs through starvation and labor camps
>outright plan to genocide the baltic countries to get land
>invade poland, specify that 20 million of them need to be killed for living space
>be erhard wetzel, RSHA officer and architect of Generalplan Ost
pic unrelated
Jeez, that escape artist one, it's honestly quite educational to watch a person drown. You're left unsure of when she actually dies. At what point did she lose consciousness and all spasms after that were just reflex?