Message from @Vexium
Discord ID: 646824313089032192
whats the cartoon from
Hazbin Hotel, its an independent youtube project
that line is dubbed but the actual show is decent
Only the pilot is out. Hopefully when a full series is developed, they don't kowtow to moralfaguettes.
the pilot is a full length episode tho
i think the next episode isnt supposed to be out until sometime next year
i knew someone was going to point that out 😄
final destination moment right there, holy shit
any context?
Drunk Brazilian
yep just saw it ty
explains the angle
yeah, that was a shit ton of speed for such a small street
made mroe sense
driver should be dead from that but knowing brazilians ajajajaaja huehue
I still love how that girl was so fat the tiny guy couldnt move her
but props for being a man and trying
interestingly tho ive never met a fat brazilian that wasnt also in shape
they do have some heavy girls (tho v rare) but they tend to be in shape somehow.
probably 20lbs of chicken fat injected into her ass
they got lucky as fug
Ikea would sell that bed for 2x the price after that
I'd go to Ikea a little more often if that happened
She goes for the Swedish meat balls