Message from @fath'am
Discord ID: 639156045691748354
yeh and even the slowest of youtube intellectuals are finally realizing that these people punch right until they're the furthest right and then they get punched
thats it, nick is triyng to make the conservative party that new conservative party, or at least cause chaos
I don't follow nick too much, so I don't have much of an opinion
he's very entertaining
and starting monday a new plot arc has started
its the nicker nation vs charlie kirk
yeah, if charlie kirk is the future of the republican party, we are doomed
it is, inevitably, the republican party will have to be that cucked beyond 2024
it's nick's job to torture them and make the process as painful as possible
I feel if the "AR" got their shit together, we could have legitmate third party, the libertarian party was picking up some decent steam last decade, and it seems a lot of people who supported that found their way to the AR
it really doesn't matter in america, it's a two party system
that can be changed though
you'll never get a third party and the right wing party will have to serve immigrants at this point
in terms of saving america you should be aiming to slow the decline as much as possible
and hope that future events create an opportunity for a 'sudden correction' some 10's or 100's of years from now
I'm personally focused on providing guidance to the new generation. What ever happens, they will need to be a part of it.
yep, that's a great way forward
we might know more about the world than ever before
one day it might go pretty good if we can pass that on
good stuff
not the way to handle that. just go with free speech
ahh, this is what i was looking for. seb gorka, sort of angrily, rebukes charges of anti-semitism lobbied against him for wearing his grandfather's medal
the entire segment leads off with that question, ofc
you know what's crazy? this video is 2.5 years old, only has 230 some odd views, and i account for at least 2 of them 😄
How many piss breaks does he take in that video?
Miracle. This dude take 3 minute breaks every 4 minutes
jesus, discord...
I think the Israelis are withholding his prostate meds until he shills for them X amount
professional lights a camera, nice...