Discord ID: 247331624088371200
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im pretty sure that mgtow are mostly men that have been crushed by the dominance of women in the world today
@JFGariepy Sweet Erin appeared on PewDiePie yesterday at this timestamp.
Annika was awful and deranged on the I,Hypocrite stream
I want to see her on TPS
I don't really care what the topic is but further mining of her typical female brain would be pretty interesting
She has been fermenting on the topic of incels. I want to see you explore that brain
Annika was on before? I didn't realize
cant find it
ahhh warski live
he dead yet?
oh geez, i remember that stream
it was a horrible drama stream that could be summed up as 'women and female men fling shit while JF explains how their words mean nothing'
it was good to have at the time tho
a case study in how to approach internet drama from a truth seeking perspective
of course that's not the goal of drama streams tho, you'd run out of drama too quickly if you kept getting to the truth
it really didnt need to tho
the people running the drama were just really stupid
the drama train could have been driven more cautiously and lasted the whole year
and by drama i mean conflict
there was cause for it to continue tho
o siq u found it
ill have a look
i remember at that time there were soooo many youtubers with divergent ideas in the same 'community' not challenging each other
they were so worthless, i didnt want to hear anything new from them, they'd all spewed enough crap that needed to get sorted out
but because bloodsports exploded and fell into drama they didnt so much as fight for survival is secede into the little corners we have today
i still remember audibly whispering 'bloooood...' to myself when the arguments got heated
oh yea, definitely
it's so easy to discredit people like that
we're seeing it live with nick fuentes
yeh, TPUSA doesnt want to have to deal with him so they're trying to discredit him before he can speak
yeh and even the slowest of youtube intellectuals are finally realizing that these people punch right until they're the furthest right and then they get punched
thats it, nick is triyng to make the conservative party that new conservative party, or at least cause chaos
he's very entertaining
and starting monday a new plot arc has started
its the nicker nation vs charlie kirk
it is, inevitably, the republican party will have to be that cucked beyond 2024
it's nick's job to torture them and make the process as painful as possible
it really doesn't matter in america, it's a two party system
you'll never get a third party and the right wing party will have to serve immigrants at this point
in terms of saving america you should be aiming to slow the decline as much as possible
and hope that future events create an opportunity for a 'sudden correction' some 10's or 100's of years from now
yep, that's a great way forward
we might know more about the world than ever before
one day it might go pretty good if we can pass that on
im heading off now
there's this one long vertical meme with two tracks
in one a european man visits the world and enjoys its different cultures before returning to his european home satisfied by his journey
in another a european man visits the world and is disgusted by the fact that every city is a multicultural mess before returning to his european home where he wears a kkk hood and has a swastika on the wall
Can people that already have a foreskin get a second or third foreskin?
My first response to hearing about spray on skin bandage technology was to ask if it was possible to make spray on foreskin
duno if im gonna be able to get much investment to develop that project
purported loss of sensitivity in circumcised males
JF has made some statements about circumcision that are pretty interesting
it's uncertain what impact it has on reproduction
we don't know really but there's a chance the modification may be improving reproductive success in some environments
im solidly opposed to circumcision but i dont know if i'd want an absolute prohibition of it
I watched some Vee videos recently out of curiosity
And I'm left with a conundrum
Was he always this stupid? Was I stupid enough to fail to notice his stupidity?
It's worrying
Alternatively he's getting dumber and more ideological
I hope it's a case of the latter
The thing that Vee said most recently that bothered me with how stupid it is was that Vee said Robin Hood isn't socialist because he's returning stolen money to the people.
Andrew Yang is promising to do the same thing.
Yeah I was the guy Vee was responding to. I blew him out in the comments and he did a response video. Then JF blew out the response video.
@Colonel J (The Sheriff) A very disturbing development.
Does anyone know why Entropy is the favored place for superchats? They take 15% but streamlabs takes $0.3+2.9% so above $2 streamlabs is the better way to donate.
@Str3tch On Metokur? Jeez are there people that actally recognize me?
JF obviously wins the black pill competition with Jim right?
Who can make a more black pilled case for the future, Metokur or JFG?
I think JF is the most black pilled being in existence
I want to see this bloodsports debate. Jim vs JF on who can make the most black pilled case for the future of either humanity, or the west.
Awww, he just answered. Doesn't sound like Metokur has any interest in coming on TPS again right now.
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