Message from @whew
Discord ID: 560420474014793748
Sand n
I don't understand folks who report distasteful memes on Facebook. Just grow a fucking backbone.
Rent to own is the worst deal lol
I got curious and wanted to see how bad it was
Xbox one x for 1715.22
Or you could not waste time on gayming
And be an alcoholic instead
I spend my money on even more useless shit besides alcohol
Poast results
At least two are a miss
If I ask my wife to bring me my sammiches and I don't like them, I can beat her ass. It's ok! <3
Oi m8! That der be a wea'pon o' mass destruction!
Can' hav the public gettin' a hold on this
**we can't expect God to do all the work**
Oy vey
Daily reminder that mankind, seperate from God, is lower than a beast.
I don geddit