Discord ID: 277281981811916800
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Hello, I mutilated two of my fingers on Monday and I'm having a bad time
If you want pics though I got them fam
(work accident)
sorry, should have been more specific, I was working on a piece of equipment and got the tops of two fingers cut off
I'm Irish, so white outside black inside I guess
no not at all lol
above the first joint
so they got shortened quite a bit
I distinctly remember being in my uni's library and finding something written about the irish to the tune of "all I saw were white apes"
it sucks, intense pain at night
the doc gave me lortab, but I don't want to become a statistic
Taking ibuprofen
I ration the opioids though
I'll ask next doctor visit
They scheduled me 06:30 on monday though
Which sucks
On top of that I haven't been able to work
"Why can't you just be a good person"
I think the pain pills have hydrocodone + acetaminophen
Want to see the pics?
Honestly it's not as bad as it could have been
But it was definately brutal
Never had blood and gore hit my face
Bayer back pain work?
That's all I got
I also have gout and rheumatoid lol
>celebration of Columbus day
What is the sjw end-goal
I can think of nothing but a pure dystopia
Some sneaky OC:
I don't really drink at all
I drank a coors a couple weekends ago after not drinking for about 2 years
was alright but I have gout so I don
I don't want to not walk for a couple days
.chan r9k
last I had was Jameson
probably around 2015
.chan x
my opinion is I wish I had an AoE1 but like AoE2
I like the setting of AoE but the definitive edition isn't as good as would have liked
.chan gif
.chan gif
.chan gif
What is it called when you don
don't want to watch anything, read anything, or play anything
But you're bored to death
.chan v
.chan v
might try that dawn of man game
feeling some stone age stuff
took some, hopefully I'll have a decent night
give this man a blue checkmark
.chan r9k
.chan r9k
.chan b
.chan r9k
.chan r9k
.chan s
.chan lit
.chan diy
.chan h
.chan r9k
.chan h
.chan hc
.chan x
Im an antisocial gamer, but yes
I rarely play multiplayer
why do liberal women always have the same horrible personality (plants, astrology, cats, fake ptsd, daddy issues, occult, lgbt)
it's like they follow the same rubric
i played a bit
i didn't mind it
some things are rough though, like hunting
seems like it's better to just micro that instead of the area work function
.chan x
.chan int
.chan x
.chan pol
.chan lgbt
.chan diy
.chan x
.chan b
.chan b
did holobunga happen
Getting therapy on my fingies
Got the tips chopped off last monday
change my wrap, clean it up, do little exercises
then I have some I have to do at work
still hurts like hell though and smells horrible
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