Message from @Dark Knifer

Discord ID: 603982375348600842

2019-07-12 04:22:43 UTC  

No wonder there has been thunderstorms

2019-07-12 04:31:11 UTC  

Friend just said most likely gonna hit new Orleans but the winds may still make a tornado

2019-07-12 04:31:41 UTC  

Big F

2019-07-12 14:40:40 UTC  

hey so I know I'm new here but some really awful stuff is going on in my life so please please pray for a private intention. it's really urgent. thank you all

2019-07-16 02:39:21 UTC  

Pray for me Im having a mental breakdown at work from counting money and money not adding up. Im not a thieve but this looks bad for me.

2019-07-16 14:54:28 UTC  

Our prayers have been answered! We just received word that we've finally been approved for a house rental in Canada's ridiculous rental system. We're getting the keys tonight. I also promised God that I'd study His Word today, so I'll be doing that in praise of Him for His help in this. Thank you all.

2019-07-16 14:54:51 UTC  

We're moving to Hamilton, ON, and it can be quite rough in some areas, but we somehow were approved for a nice place in a nice neighbourhood

2019-07-17 02:12:53 UTC  

So this is a bit of a long prayer request as there’s a story attached but I think it’s important to bring this to light and that we all pray for this poor man and what he’s suffering

2019-07-17 02:13:17 UTC

2019-07-17 02:17:09 UTC  

Images of the man in the story above, graphic content warning.

2019-07-17 02:17:22 UTC

2019-07-18 01:33:10 UTC  

thank u for your prayers from my last prayer request

2019-07-18 05:22:20 UTC  

hey friends I'm having a lot of pain please pray for me!!! thank you

2019-07-18 05:22:38 UTC  

This isn't for ironic requests.

2019-07-18 05:23:26 UTC  

i dont think thats ironic

2019-07-18 05:26:18 UTC  

it wasn't ironic

2019-07-18 05:27:12 UTC  

it's really hurtful that you would think that I'm sorry if something I did would make you feel like I was just joking. but I really am exiereincing pain and really would appreciate prayers. thanks

2019-07-20 00:39:52 UTC  

Pray for me guys please, that I may return to sanctity and resign myself to the Lords will

2019-07-23 16:13:20 UTC  

Please pray for my friend. Her name is Märtha. She was kicked out of her home, she's got no money, some knee joint problems, recovering from a life threatening lung infection. And she is also suicidal. May God have mercy.

2019-07-25 07:40:33 UTC

2019-07-25 16:10:19 UTC  

Hey guys, me and a couple of friends are praying for the conversion of some close friends. We are doing a novena for them please pray for their conversion, their names are Curwen, Nick and Tristan.

2019-07-28 20:16:06 UTC  

Hey guys I don’t usually write here but I feel like I could use some prayers now. I’m a slave of my temptations now more than ever. Thank you in advance

2019-07-29 18:51:28 UTC  

Pray for me , i have an interview in 10 minutes

2019-07-29 18:52:03 UTC  

you can do it brah

2019-07-29 18:53:25 UTC  


2019-07-30 05:38:17 UTC  

Got an important test in a week pray plz

2019-07-30 08:07:34 UTC  

Met the love of my life. Please pray that I don't muck it up. Thanks.

2019-07-30 11:41:05 UTC  

I would ask you to please pray for the souls of these Paratroopers, killed by a stupid Afghani.

Please also pray for their families and for the safety of all troops currently deployed 🙏

2019-07-30 19:08:03 UTC  

praying for afghan chad

2019-07-31 01:13:39 UTC  

Got a doctor's appointment Monday, and finally have an idea what's wrong with my body, prayers that I get some answers and finally get some healing and that they don't just try to prescribe the devil's lettuce and be away with me

2019-08-02 20:03:25 UTC  

My friend isn't understanding she's going to be mentally unstable and damaged by the inevitable expiration of her absent father. She hasn't been with him in over 15 years and valued her brothers over her and I told her she shouldn't hold anything against him and just recognize he isn't a good father. But her father is calling out to her while he's really sick and asking to see her because he's afraid he may die. I think he recognizes he hasn't been a good father to her and in his own way wants to see and love his daughter or at least talk to her in his own way.

Her name is Jade, please pray she finds the love in her heart to forgive her father and make amends.

2019-08-05 06:23:43 UTC  

please pray for me and my family. we had a huge fight and im overcome with anger

2019-08-06 06:09:31 UTC  

Results from the docs today, either it's something resembling shin splints that can be solved with proper stretches over a long period of time, or it's fibromyalgia and I'm pretty much boned as far as ever getting rid of the ever-increasing chronic pain. Honestly, some prayer for miraculous healing would be deeply appreciated, but if nothing else some prayer it is the lesser of the evils would suffice.

2019-08-06 06:15:00 UTC  

Also, as an aside, my girlfriend is also currently tossing around making a pilgrimage based around St. Dymphna to Belgium, some prayer for guidance on her part there would be much appreciated. As a tentative prot my encouragement doesn't mean so much to her on that front, but I think it would be good for her in the way of overcoming anxieties. Whole little family just needs healing and we all need it in different ways

2019-08-06 06:21:22 UTC  

I would like to ask you people to pray for me, for I am mere days away from embarking in the next step of my education and I fear that spiritual trials will come like waves in a stormy sea, please pray so that I may find the strength to overcome them and that I may be able to sail away without capsizing.

2019-08-07 00:42:41 UTC  

Please pray for the departure of my dear friend Jack Demarest, who committed suicide today. May God overlook all of his offences and and be shepherded into the kingdom of God.

2019-08-07 01:06:12 UTC  

The subject of Hospice just came up in my girlfriend's mother's latest doctor visit today. Stage IV stomach cancer, no treatment seems to be working. She's a devout Catholic, and a Godly woman, so I have no concerns for her soul, but prayers both for her healing and for a peaceful journey home if that is truely God's will, and peace for her family and children if that be the case as well. It's all in His hands now.

2019-08-13 10:59:58 UTC  

God give me strength. Let me be the man I'm destined to be by your will and not what my sinful vessel beckons in this world limited only by your mercy. Let the shadow I cast be a true reflection of the light you shine on my life and give peace to my aching heart.

2019-08-19 08:48:14 UTC  

It would appear I'm surrounded by some quite remarkable dullards. Pray for them more than me, if you please.

2019-08-19 08:59:09 UTC  

Are you insulting us

2019-08-19 09:35:29 UTC  

@Deleted User Or, perhaps... just maybe, I have a life outside the server, too.