Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 450736746985160724

2018-05-27 21:16:27 UTC  

But the lort free me

2018-05-27 21:16:50 UTC  

Wife beater?

2018-05-27 21:17:08 UTC  


2018-05-28 07:06:37 UTC  

Is /rel/ down again?

2018-05-28 07:07:26 UTC

2018-05-28 07:07:43 UTC  

We must rebuild

2018-05-28 07:08:47 UTC  
2018-05-28 07:16:30 UTC  


2018-05-28 07:16:52 UTC  

what was the reason this time?

2018-05-28 07:17:05 UTC  

austrian moustache man posting was kept to a minimum

2018-05-28 07:39:19 UTC  

I dunno dude, i just know it's gone

2018-05-28 12:09:33 UTC  

A few traitors in our midst, methinks.

2018-05-28 12:09:49 UTC  

Either that or Jim was proper assblasted about being called a mong.

2018-05-28 15:07:35 UTC  

Grr zuccbook

2018-05-28 15:45:01 UTC

2018-05-28 17:16:12 UTC  

Right in the feels

2018-05-28 19:05:57 UTC  

This server's opinion on sedes

2018-05-28 19:06:06 UTC  


2018-05-28 19:06:23 UTC  


2018-05-28 19:06:54 UTC  

So you don't think Francis is a heretic?

2018-05-28 19:07:16 UTC  


2018-05-28 19:07:23 UTC  


2018-05-28 19:07:29 UTC  

not yet at least

2018-05-28 19:07:41 UTC  

But he said that the communists are the true Christians?

2018-05-28 19:07:42 UTC  

sedes are heretics

2018-05-28 19:07:54 UTC  

sspx are... acceptable

2018-05-28 19:07:57 UTC  

i feel the pain of the sedes but it is a means to no end

2018-05-28 19:08:00 UTC  

Francis said communists are the ones who think like Christians

2018-05-28 19:08:04 UTC  

there is no outcome for sedes

2018-05-28 19:08:26 UTC  

no magisterium no authority

2018-05-28 19:08:31 UTC  

No dicks

2018-05-28 19:10:17 UTC  

```Francis’ January 8, 2018 address to members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to “the Holy See”:

“Among the human rights that I would also like to mention today is the right to freedom of thought, conscience and of religion, including the freedom to change religion. Sad to say, it is well-known that the right to religious freedom is often disregarded, and not infrequently religion becomes either an occasion for the ideological justification of new forms of extremism or a pretext for the social marginalization of believers…”```

2018-05-28 19:10:30 UTC  

L’ Osservatore Romano, January 12, 2018, p. 9.

2018-05-28 19:10:40 UTC  

```Pope Pius IX, Syllabus of Errors, # 78: “Hence in certain regions of Catholic name, it has been laudably sanctioned by law that men immigrating there be allowed to have public exercises of any form of worship of their own.” – Condemned.```

2018-05-28 19:10:51 UTC  

```Pope Pius IX, Quanta Cura (# 3), Dec. 8, 1864: “From which totally false idea of social government they do not fear to foster THAT ERRONEOUS OPINION, most fatal in its effects on the Catholic Church and the salvation of souls, called by Our predecessor, Gregory XVI, an insanity, NAMELY, THAT LIBERTY OF CONSCIENCE AND WORSHIP IS EACH MAN’S PERSONAL RIGHT, WHICH OUGHT TO BE LEGALLY PROCLAIMED AND ASSERTED IN EVERY RIGHTLY CONSTITUTED SOCIETY…”```

2018-05-28 19:11:04 UTC  

@Mihai How is he not a heretic?

2018-05-28 19:12:08 UTC

2018-05-28 19:13:08 UTC  

Sedes are tolerated as long as they're not autistic to a greater degree than the rest of us, which I've observed to be a near statistical impossibility

2018-05-28 19:13:27 UTC  

As for Francis, he has neither spoken ex cathedra, nor altered church doctrine in any way

2018-05-28 19:13:40 UTC  

Voicing a shitty opinion doesn't make you a material heretic, it makes you a fucking retard