Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 468135272954200064

2018-07-13 19:14:05 UTC  

Hey, I planned to be married and have at least one kid before I turned 30 even before I became a catholic; that means I've got two years to operate in, take your opportunities where you find them is all I'm saying.

2018-07-13 19:21:24 UTC  

She got excited when i mentioned being baptised at some point

2018-07-13 19:21:48 UTC  

She insisted we talk to a priest on monday

2018-07-13 21:50:42 UTC  

Very nice. She may be your ticket in

2018-07-13 21:59:50 UTC  

I will probs be "allowed" in anyway

2018-07-14 18:28:41 UTC  

Someone should make a meme of a Mushroom cloud but it

2018-07-14 18:28:51 UTC  

it's the "Sheeiiit" face instead of the cloud

2018-07-14 18:29:03 UTC  

I wish I knew how to make memes đŸ˜¢

2018-07-15 04:37:00 UTC  

MY BROTHAS! I have been banned again only instantly for the following meme XD

2018-07-15 05:10:44 UTC  

legio christi fit

2018-07-15 06:04:17 UTC  

legio /fit/

2018-07-15 06:09:21 UTC  

Is it possible to be a good Christian and a good American at the same time?

2018-07-15 07:45:16 UTC  


2018-07-15 07:45:32 UTC  

but never a good "Christian" and a good communist

2018-07-15 09:53:59 UTC

2018-07-15 15:30:53 UTC  

baptists are bad

2018-07-15 15:31:00 UTC  

or whatever stephen anderson is

2018-07-15 17:28:05 UTC  

@Orthodox Andy It depends what you think a good American is.

2018-07-15 17:53:26 UTC  

Hey, I have a prayer request.
Lately I've been questioning my faith, and I worry that I am not growing as a Christian. I feel like lately I've been too absorbed by the world, and doubts nag at my mind constantly. I don't know if when I came to Christ if it was genuine, or if it was the influence of the medication I was on at the time and my 'experience' was just an anti-depressant fueled feeling of chemical euphoria, or if my faith is shallow and I'm just trying to score 'points'. Part of me wants to bea better Christian, but I don't know how, or if I can. I feel like I don't love the Lord the way I'm supposed to. And that my obedience is not from love of God but more of something else...
I don't even know if I'm being genuine reaching out like this, or if I'm just going through the motions.
I feel like my faith is not growing like it should. It just is. If it's even there at all.
So pray for... whatever it is I need I guess. I don't even know anymore.

2018-07-15 19:22:14 UTC  

Apparently i wont be doing RCIA until september

2018-07-15 19:22:26 UTC  

Wednesday evening classes

2018-07-15 19:22:31 UTC  

I am gonna die

2018-07-15 19:23:53 UTC  

Need to speak to him properly tbh. I have two physical conditiond that affect my ability to do certian stuff. Like i can get around fine but if i do to much i get really shakey and stuff

2018-07-15 19:24:05 UTC  

Maybe i can get a lift from someone

2018-07-15 19:25:40 UTC  

Nuke france when

2018-07-15 19:26:54 UTC  

Guys halp

2018-07-15 19:27:09 UTC  

Can i do classes online or something?

2018-07-15 20:55:59 UTC  

riddle me this:

2018-07-15 20:59:26 UTC  

>visit gf at job for surprise hello
>"what are you doing here?"
>no hello
>rushes right in
>she's late, so I can let it slide
>I try talking to her again
>"I'm working"
>I sit down and drink my coffee
>I leave without warning
>gf immediately texts me despite working
>she tells me next time to say goodbye
>my response:"you didn't tell me hello..."

2018-07-15 21:04:52 UTC  


2018-07-15 21:05:10 UTC  

You think she is mad

2018-07-15 21:07:53 UTC  

she has been stressed, but i don't see that as an excuse. if she complains, I'll call out her double standard

2018-07-15 21:08:39 UTC  

I'm available, she doesn't want to talk. Now that I walk out, she suddenly expects me too.

2018-07-15 21:14:45 UTC  

You did well. Don't spoil her

2018-07-15 22:01:44 UTC  

better response: "you were busy"

2018-07-15 22:01:51 UTC  

the way you put it sounded kinda petty

2018-07-15 22:02:24 UTC  

I figured perhaps when you came in she was stressed at that moment in time, but wanted to come back and say hi when she had a moment

2018-07-15 22:06:13 UTC  

yeah, you're right.

2018-07-15 22:08:50 UTC  

Is "you were busy. I can't talk to you when you were too busy, so I left you work in peace." a good response and damage control? @CPEGaebler

2018-07-15 22:09:25 UTC  

*alone so that you can work in peace

2018-07-15 22:10:13 UTC  

I'd truncate to "you were too busy, I'll drop by another time"