Discord ID: 230907352843288576
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I'mbjust gunna leave this here...
Im a prot and suddenly I wanna burn someone for heresy
Hey, I have a prayer request.
Lately I've been questioning my faith, and I worry that I am not growing as a Christian. I feel like lately I've been too absorbed by the world, and doubts nag at my mind constantly. I don't know if when I came to Christ if it was genuine, or if it was the influence of the medication I was on at the time and my 'experience' was just an anti-depressant fueled feeling of chemical euphoria, or if my faith is shallow and I'm just trying to score 'points'. Part of me wants to bea better Christian, but I don't know how, or if I can. I feel like I don't love the Lord the way I'm supposed to. And that my obedience is not from love of God but more of something else...
I don't even know if I'm being genuine reaching out like this, or if I'm just going through the motions.
I feel like my faith is not growing like it should. It just is. If it's even there at all.
So pray for... whatever it is I need I guess. I don't even know anymore.
I have a prayer request for my dad. He dislocated his knee on Saturday and ended up pushing the kneecap into hia thigh and the tendon that holds it is just gone. So he has to get surgery tomorrow.
... also pray for him 'cause once this is all done with and he's healed, we're going to tease him about breaking his leg by slipping on a cow patty for years after this. Thats just the kind of family we are: once the tragedy is over, it becomes comedy.
Random Christian Weeb thought: if you die and enter the Kingdom of Heaven, does it count as being Isekai'd?
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