The Battered Soldat
Discord ID: 190229230645149696
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what's the cat role
and the dog
and the otter wat
are you saying they're liking shit for you
wait wt
What happens often is my likes being awfully outdated, so me liking pages like "god emperor trump"
so I take it out
My youtube subs are SO outdated it's insane
dang jude
DUterte needs a paddling
Good evening
How goes the wednesday?
The best to her, God help her
Why so bad
this nigga's a bean
americanised 9/10 things are hot garbage
no fault to the trads within it ofc
but americanisation ugh
the most telling is trad Africans in Africa and African Americans
holy crap the difference is astounding
Africans *hate* A.Americans with their guts it's incredible
yaasss melanated africa queeen slaaayyy
Nuke france when
Don't know if these have been posted here yet
but here you go, the absolute state of France
I thought it earned itself a little more spotlight than just being thrown into the filth pit
a reminder of the face of multiculturalism, though I'm surely preaching to the choir
Septum rings are to me what bright colours on frogs are to animals in the wild
other piercings as well
In all honesty
I find it un-western wait so you're telling me this is a prayer
or reciting it would be one
One from Matthew
I'm not sure how it is in English
Matthew 5
Matthew 5:11
okay wait
Matthew 5:1-11
maybe not 11 but the rest
I think it sounds better in Portuguese than in English
Kyle you're right retarded ahahahah
@๓ ๓ biggest immigration y'all koreans seem to have to worry about is deranged Kpop fan girls huehuehue
I like walls
how the fuck do you pierce your sternum
don't tell me I don't want to know, but hwtf
I hate those
I say we throw them in bullfighting rings if they want to look like bulls so much
it's a colossal eye sore
tthe youtube channel doesn't exist yet?
Hearing won't hurt
Familial matters
That'd be a right shot in the foot
of your marriage
depending on the lady, but why you'd want your wife to be resentful
let's not have modern relationships though
That's heart wrenching
I'm terribly sorry
Aye I feel ya
God's got our backs, those whose father/mother figures weren't stable/present and are here now
He has blessed me greatly throughout my life without my knowledge
Now I know and He has done so even more
I am a happy camper now
I was in middle school
high school I was neutral til the end
by 12th grade everything had changed
I'm Portuguese
I was raised Catholic
I was raised "catholic" but upon returning no other made sense
Oh yeah
I would definitely recommend
Help us battle the rot
Interesting but makes me want to puke
Heh not a problem when you don't ever do it with anyone
neo pagans really do be like that
aw hell yeah
The Church will prevail through these trying times, and the cabal will be purged one way or the other
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