Message from @MrrMega
Discord ID: 559251297300119562
I love the emote options
I want Florida to secede so I can have a powerful Caribbean empire
I want to leave the earth
Fellas can you pray for your death?
I can't wait to drink again
I don't really drink at all
I miss it
I drank a coors a couple weekends ago after not drinking for about 2 years
>drinking coors
was alright but I have gout so I don
there's better alcohol out there
I don't want to not walk for a couple days
though I'm biased, because all I drink is hard liquor
last I had was Jameson
probably around 2015
last I had was a pitcher of blue moon, the day before Forgiveness Vespers
Praying for one's death seems silly tbh
Local craft beers are my preference
Same here and a good scotch
One glass in a while is fine for me
> mixing caffeine and alcohol
I prefer to keep my cardiovascular system in good condition
thats why I don't have it all the time, usually only socially
I guess familiarity with English makes the title self evident for the most of you
There are still some (semi-)sane people.
"The interview of a child psychiatrist in the magazine "Spiegel" recently caused a sensation: Alexander Korte, Senior Physician at the University of Munich Hospital, is worried about the increase in cases. "We are obviously dealing with a zeitgeist phenomenon here," he says. The number of diagnoses today is five times as high as in 2013. They would be swamped by inquiries, the waiting time for new patients would be up to one year."
About the 'glorious' US:
"This does not only apply to Germany and Switzerland. In the United States, according to a study, 150,000 teens, ages 13 to 17, feel transgendered. Also in the UK over 2,500 children registered at the drop-in center last year. In 2010 there were 97. The World Health Organization responded in June. Transgender people are no longer considered mentally ill."
Time to bomb the US into oblivion.
Orthodox brodies, concerning the theology of the Filioque (and not whether it should be included in the Nicean Creed) do you believe that it is theologically erroneous? If so, how do you square it with line 23 of the Athanasian Creed, which seems to indicate that the Holy Spirit does proceed from the Father and the Son? Either way, a blessed Sunday to everyone!
"The Holy Spirit is of the Father and of the Son; neither made, nor created, nor begotten, but proceeding."
A local subsidiary of the New York-listed company Genie Energy — which is advised by former vice president Dick Cheney and whose shareholders include Jacob Rothschild and Rupert Murdoch — will now have exclusive rights to a 153-square mile radius in the southern part of the Golan Heights.
How can I invest?
Went to a horrific Novus Ordo church
As we speak I'm hiding in the toilets to avoid explaining to my family why I refuse to receive communion at this guitar-concert of an abomination.
@GodFearingEnglishman Why the F do you have to explain that to your family? Do they hold sway over your concience? I thought only God was behold to that right.
Since when do you have to justify that you won't be receiving communion? The amount of times that people receive communion is absurdly high. Why do we need to receive it every week (religious and priests excluded), we simply should not as laypleople. Also the weekly communion was in origin a pious act and not strictly speaking normative.
This is true