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One of my favorite pieces of art to date.
Sad news guys, a Catholic church in my country burned down ๐ข https://www.nu.nl/binnenland/5250800/zeer-grote-brand-in-kerk-in-limmen.html
@Deleted User You live in the United Masonic States of America right?
@Deleted User Masonic Commonwealth of Australia then?
It's gone from my groups. I fear the worst.
That's not good. I guess one of those cursed newfriends saw something they didn't like and reported it. Only the Old Guard has a thicker skin to take all the cringe and retarded posts the infest /rel/ from time to time.
Could be but my guess is some newfriend that have not grown a thick skin and reported something.
As newfriends destroy everything. Like with the same posts about the Holy Virgin and the related topics.
People need to lurk more.
Everything you get with a visible group. Also a lot of cursed NatSocs lately.
What group?
Hate this. /rel/ is like a safe haven and a disfunctional but very caring and loving family ๐ข
You meant the atheist long hair loser?
Needs a haircut.
Long hair increases hippy ideas imo. Or you are atleast more easily associated with it.
Didn't get that memo. About 'how long ago' are we speaking?
Gehehe right.
Just don't let it become grose as the hippys do. So no f*cking dreadlocks.
Dude pick your DE and go do it.
From the forums
How many of you are refugees from /rel/?
@archibaldturner I was annoyingly surprised that /rel/ in all probability shall cease to exist as an entity on fb.
I consider myself somewhat part of the old guard. I have witnessed the terminations of the earlier groups. In originality /rel/ was great. The Golden age of it was in my opinion between the 1st and 2nd group. Loads of interesting posts combined with meming. Landmarks like being mentioned by VICE and other leftists. In the last group a major influx of retard American NatSocs made it quite retarded. As racebaiting becomes a daily occurence again. It was before that finally curbed.
@James I hope that they finally kill or finish off the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross and the Anglican Use in general as that only fuels unjust exceptionalism. And before some butthurt Aussies come and say why do you still use word 'Anglican Use' as we don't use that form of missal anymore: i know. True Anglican (in strict English sense and not Anglosphere) patrimony is the Sarum Use. Go and revive that instead of some petty crypto-Anglicanism. Personally i don't think that Australians should be able to celibrate the Sarum Rite as that is confined to the British Isles in my opinion. Are Australians too good for the TLM?
Traditional Catholic books. A good source for more obscure writings and books from saints throughout the ages along with other very good books like catechisms, prayer books, missals and much more. http://www.traditionalcatholic.co/free-catholicbooks/
Religious orders have their own internal seminaries so to speak.
You have to keep it simple two styles or types of seminaries: secular (read worldly) ones (under the heading of a diocese) and religious ones (part of a Catholic religious order) like canons regular, monastics, mendicant orders and sometimes even clerics regular.
Becoming is optional for a lot of male religious (monastic and mendicant traditions) but necessary for canons regular or clerics regular as they are all priests living together under a rule (like for example the rule of St. Augustine). An example of clerics regular are the Jesuits.
@Based Chav Some orders have members that are part of the order but are not clerics. The orders contain both clerics and brothers who are monks but not clerics (example is the Benedictine Order). While other orders like canons regular and clerics regular all become priests as they are priestly orders joined together by a vow of poverty and to follow a specific rule.
Guys, maybe someone of you can help wit this.
I am looking for a saint but i can't remember who he or she was. I only can remember part of a story i once read from him. The only sentence from the text i can remember is the following: God ended the life of a young girl short after her first communion for this first sin she comitted afterwards, but he allows others to sin for a long longer time (or the amount of sinful actions in other wording). This was not about the saint him or herself so it wasn't Ellen Organ as others said earlier.
Please don't go screaming heresy at me as i probably miss a whole lot of the story and meaning. If i remember correctly it was how much sin meant for God and when God has so to speak 'enough' of our personal sinning.
If you could help i would be very grateful.
I never heard about her in general so i really doubt it's from her.
I will look it up, although i am sure it was a story from a saint who told it like something he or she saw in a vision or something.
@Kike of Kaifeng You sound like the dreaded American convertodox
@Deleted User He is even more worse then. @Kike of Kaifeng When are you finally swimming the Tiber or are you that 'special autistic kind' of Chinese from Hongkong?
+setversion drv
+setversion drb
Guys, some may remember that i asked for some help to find a certain saint a while back.
I am happy to report that i finally found the corresponding saint that i was searching for.
I was searching for a certain saint that had written an homily or something on the 'amount' of sin that God will forgive us. It was an homily written by St. Alphonsus Liguori. I want to thank everyone tried to help me back then. There are a lot of versions to be found so this one will suffice.
The Church was already sick before Vat II, Vat II only let the ghost out of the bottle (Dutch saying). And with the people who wanted change suddenly free to to whatever they wanted everything came crashing down.
Wait Switzerland too? In the cities i assume? I could not care about Germany or Austria (aka cheap Switzerland).
Most churches at least in the mountainous and rural Swiss Cantons are mostly open, i have yet to find a church in a hamlet/village or even a small city that is closed in daytime. Some aren't even closed at night as the farmers know how important it can be to pray in front of the Lord in certain times.
I can also understand why at least Catholic Churches would close by night as they are most often have baroque (like) art and other precious items inside it. Sometimes even priceless. On the other hand Reformed Churches have no real reason to close as they have a lot less to be stolen, so to speak.
If you really want to irritate everyone become part of the 'True Orthodoxy'. Just go HOTCA adn you can shit on everyone.
I'm not even an Eastern schismatic but why do i know that those groupse exist?
Also, ditch American beers. Old World beers always surpass them.
You know that 'Belgian' is super broad of an definition?
Brewed by Benedictine monks pretty close to me.
Not always.
It's more like a certain style
Just like lager or schwarzbier
Of the two, Dutch although the big breweries like f*cking Heineken ruin everything.
Amstel all the same.
Only lowlife punks who want to pay too much for bad beer drink it here.
Pabst you mean?
I seem to enjoy those more and more.
But i have to say it is an overrated style.
It is not the same a pure English 'bitter'.
Also by True Orthodoxy i meant these guys: http://www.hotca.org/ or http://www.roacusa.org/
Guys have you heard about 'votive offerings'? It is as far as i know almost unknown in the Netherlands but relatively common in certain parts of Europe like (Southern) Germany, Switzerland, France and Spain among others. Have any of you made a votive offering for graditude of something?
For those who do not know: http://newadvent.org/cathen/15509a.htm
Guys it is time again. The filthy heresy has spouted it's ugly head again.
It is still small so it can be smashed pretty easy
"In the Bogomil and Cathar text Gospel of the secret supper, Lucifer is a glorified angel and the older brother of Jesus, but fell from heaven to establish his own kingdom and became the Demiurge. Therefore, he created the material world and trapped souls from heaven inside matter. Jesus descended to earth to free the captured souls"
It's like Mormon mental retardation
@Karst S. That one.
Theologically illiterate i mostly call them.
@Romanus Drevo The demiurge is just relatively common in 'general' gnosticism.
So they are not 'Manichaens' by just believing that.
You know that Manichaens still exist?
General article. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_Manichaeism
Some small groups
Gnosticism is dangerous although not as it was in earlier times. People nowadays just became too ignorant or even too stupid to understand their intricate cosmology and origin of existence. But it is nonetheless more dangerous as it gives people who are already ignorant for orthodox teaching about sin a way out as everything corporal is evil and sin does not exist. Only ignorance is to be overcome in the mindset of a gnostic.
@Byzas Do you already have an Ostrog Bible?
Don't forget Switzerland guys. Prime example how regionalism actually works.
@Deleted User Weren't the rural peasants around Rome squeezed badly by the decadent citydwellers?
@Karst S. Don't forget you're from the Old World.
At least we have a solid footing in a certain culture which is also the dominant culture in the country. As is normative in Europe.
Something Americans don't have.
Any thought on this? http://en.rpsc.ru/publications/interdiction_enter_church/
Painting with the so called 'Stalingradmadonna'
Thoughts on this guys?
@Romanus Drevo Wasn't paying attention. I must say that i have a weakspot for the Old Believers. Their intricacies about their form of Orthodoxy are very interesting especially because their liturgy is not suppressed in the Russian Greek Catholic Church unlike the Eastern Orthodox churches.
Outside of that they are the main reason i want to learn Church Slavonic as i am probably get a Ostrog bible through their webstore.
@Byzas It is not correct to lump all the Old believers into one category as there are generally two: those without priests (Bezpopovtsy) and those with priests (Popovtsy) which has three ore more branches of only one is to be really taken seriously. Although you wouldn't be bothered otherwise as an Eastern Orthodox i can imagine. And yes they exist inside the 'main' Orthodox churches as Edinovertsy. They are handeld like ICKSP (among others) in the Catholic Church.
Weird fact of the day
Old Believer priest Kiril Shahzad from Pakistan
That could not sound more American.
"Hebrew" blood is still red right?
How is your acceptance of the Council of Trullo?
So when are you going Oriental?
They stepped out of the boat quite early
Or go even earlier: Assyrian Church of the East.
Yup, although they reject the label
Some of the branch have reached sanity and joined the RCC
But the Assyrian Church of the East still has an anaphora in use attributed to Nestorius (as far as i know).
They may be schismatic but they have a very hard time in the Mohammedan Middle East.
They still retained the sacraments, something we can't say about our Protestant "brothers" which JPII was so find of.
Also because of the aniconic idea of Muhammedanism and their intermingling for centuries, they don't have many or any icons at all.
They have been under the Mohammedan heel for too long and you forget parts of your tradition piece by piece.
Not really. Just chipped in the thing about the AACE because someone had isssues with both the RCC and EO
Found this btw about the non usage of Icons:
"In the sixth century, more than one catholicos of the Church of the East attempted without success to reach theological agreement and restore communion with the Church in the Roman Empire. Its principal divergence from that church was its rejection of the title of โMother of Godโ for the Virgin Mary, although it has always acclaimed her as the โMother of Our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ.โ (Its other noteworthy point of difference, its rejection of all pictorial iconographyโa feature that attracted much interest from Protestants in the nineteenth centuryโBaumer shows to be an innovation of the late fourteenth century and a response to increased Muslim persecution."
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