Message from @Daniil

Discord ID: 591748365214154766

2019-06-21 21:42:32 UTC  

Found literal Susan from the parish council on the last post LC facebook shared 😂

2019-06-21 21:45:00 UTC  

"we actually live our own lives and don't listen to our priests"

2019-06-21 21:45:20 UTC  

Lots to be proud of there Susan, very Ortho, much wow

2019-06-21 21:47:23 UTC  

This chat

2019-06-21 21:47:28 UTC  


2019-06-21 21:49:48 UTC  

||I want to curb stomp converts so much||

2019-06-21 21:51:50 UTC  

Being a (((doctor))), a (((lawyer))), a (((CEO))), or baking cakes for the parish priest all day, I know what I would rather be doing.

2019-06-21 21:52:09 UTC  


2019-06-21 21:52:47 UTC  

Earlier this year my mother retired, she now gets less money, but has a lot of time

2019-06-21 21:52:52 UTC  

Okay, I got confused by the "he married my husband and I" part and thought the first message was saying something completely different

2019-06-21 21:53:13 UTC  

She can use her time to knit, a passion that he had left behind, to cook nice meals, to take care of some things. We have never been happier at home

2019-06-21 21:53:39 UTC  

And we all love what she does, and we admire her

2019-06-21 21:54:09 UTC  

Ephesians 5:22

2019-06-21 21:54:11 UTC  

**К Ефесянам 5:22 - Russian Synodal Version (RUSV)**


<22> Жены, повинуйтесь своим мужьям, как Господу, ```

2019-06-21 21:54:14 UTC  

Ephesians 5:22

2019-06-21 21:54:15 UTC  

**Ephesians 5:22 - Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA)**


<22> Let women be subject to their husbands, as to the Lord: ```

2019-06-21 21:54:22 UTC  

Thought it was saying all three of them were in a marital relationship

2019-06-21 21:54:23 UTC  

Literally gonna reply that as LC

2019-06-21 21:56:20 UTC  

@Petranadon I was confused at first until I saw it was about the priest

2019-06-21 21:56:41 UTC  

When your going into law....

2019-06-21 21:56:44 UTC  

@SUPER MALE VITALITY™ Link me to the reply

2019-06-21 21:57:43 UTC  

Good. We need moral, Christian, dutiful lawyers.

2019-06-21 21:59:34 UTC  

I have a lawyer, but he deals with business to business dealings

2019-06-21 22:19:07 UTC  

It's on the Hyperdox Herman post, one of the top comments, just look for the name of the first lady

2019-06-21 22:29:47 UTC

2019-06-21 22:41:56 UTC  

>67 years of life, family and memories for that

2019-06-21 22:42:33 UTC  

Imagine if the father and mother who raised that man as a baby and a child knew what was going to happen to him. Fortunately we can trust in God's justice

2019-06-22 00:00:40 UTC  

@Daniilwdym curb stop converts?

2019-06-22 00:12:43 UTC  

Cause I have a very bad experience with them

2019-06-22 00:13:24 UTC  

I know better than u 😎

2019-06-22 00:13:30 UTC  

They're either ultra-secularist autists or very liberal heretic infiltrators

2019-06-22 00:13:49 UTC

2019-06-22 01:34:15 UTC  

@Deleted User cant I just say, so was I?

2019-06-22 01:36:21 UTC  

You can

2019-06-22 03:11:00 UTC  

Obey Israel.

2019-06-22 07:05:59 UTC  


2019-06-22 09:21:43 UTC  

I missed my old username.

2019-06-22 11:14:45 UTC  

"I was raised Catholic" of you're still not perhaps they didn't raise you Catholic well enough.

2019-06-22 11:14:56 UTC  


2019-06-22 11:15:03 UTC  


2019-06-22 11:55:43 UTC  

people knew you by that user name