Message from @Astro

Discord ID: 614684501485944834

2019-08-24 03:26:56 UTC  

All said and done with nondenoms, at least outside the megachurch and megachurch adjacent realms they tend to hold on to some decent semblance of Christian theology. Better than the cultural cucks making social clubs based around day trips to damnation...

2019-08-24 03:32:54 UTC  

i dont like swearing but this just makes me feel like ahjkhajkdhgasaksghjksadhjgjsadhghsad

2019-08-24 03:36:07 UTC  

the catholic church: cucked
the entirety of mainline protestant denoms: cucked
CRCNA: based not even a few decades ago, but now: cucked

i guess i might go tolerate the rock-band style worship at the nondenoms in my area, so long as they arent CUCKED for Christ's sake!!!!

2019-08-24 03:36:26 UTC  

Settle down

2019-08-24 03:36:45 UTC  

Go to a Traditional Catholic Parish, not the Novus Ordo sect

2019-08-24 03:37:43 UTC  

Traditional latis mass or Orthodox

2019-08-24 03:56:23 UTC  

Better nondenom than no church at all, but maybe look around for trad churches in nearby cities and start writing letters about the need for one in your area. Try to get a plant started if nothing else...

2019-08-24 04:19:58 UTC  

>Rock-band style worship
>not cucked
you can only pick one buddy

2019-08-24 04:20:09 UTC  

Non denom Churches are even worse.

2019-08-24 04:24:44 UTC  

New age church is where the real healing starts.

2019-08-24 04:39:38 UTC  

My Peruvian friend once brought me to a non denom church, the cross was moved to the side to fit a projector in the middle and that’s how I became a Nazi

2019-08-24 04:40:34 UTC  


2019-08-24 04:40:54 UTC  

Always hated that tbh, I miss hymnals

2019-08-24 04:42:29 UTC  

I have to say though although Protestant singing usually sucks, I went to a very traditionalist southern church and can’t lie I really do miss their singing

2019-08-24 04:42:36 UTC  

Growing up at least my church was old enough we had all the hymnals and such and had enough space up front to just project on a wall, that was like right at the tail end of it being normal to use hymnals in a low church protestant setting

2019-08-24 04:45:46 UTC  

Tradprot worship is genuinely really comfy. Not quite as big as the old latin stuff, but it manages to be both respectful and warm. Nothing quite like a tiny organ, a well trained choir, and a congregation not afraid to sing along.

2019-08-24 04:48:23 UTC  

True that man

2019-08-24 04:48:37 UTC  

Latin stuff is very powerful, when there’s no guitars involved

2019-08-24 04:48:46 UTC  

But tradprot is very wholesome

2019-08-24 04:48:58 UTC  

And with that southern accent it’s perfect

2019-08-24 04:56:45 UTC  


2019-08-24 04:57:25 UTC  

Hispanic evangelicals are the dumbest animals on the planet

2019-08-24 04:58:53 UTC  

How many levels of theological disability do you have to be to virtually worship the people responsible for putting Christ to death?

2019-08-24 05:06:02 UTC  

@Astro yes they dumb as fuck

2019-08-24 05:09:44 UTC  

Hispanics in general, you've seen what they do to Catholicism lmao

2019-08-24 05:14:11 UTC  

Actually, that is a result of Vatican II and Protestant missionaries going to Latin America. Pre Vatican II Latino Catholics were loyal af

2019-08-24 05:18:11 UTC  

No, that's the result of syncretism from the original Catholic missionarries to South America. They turned it all into a folk religion regardless how much lip service they paid the Pope.

2019-08-24 05:18:43 UTC  

South American Catholicism has always been a cluster

2019-08-24 05:18:49 UTC  

Vatican II CAUSED that syncretism

2019-08-24 05:19:13 UTC  

fairly sure the folk religions were all extinct by the time of Vatican II

2019-08-24 05:20:05 UTC  

He means the mixing of cultural shit like the day of the dead with Catholicism

2019-08-24 05:20:05 UTC  

also, those mormon and jehovah's witnesss temples didn't appear out of thin air. they were imported from somewhere

2019-08-24 05:20:10 UTC  

Turned it all into fucking Witchery

2019-08-24 05:20:22 UTC  

yeah, but that's Mexico

2019-08-24 05:20:26 UTC  

That syncretism was present in the mission era, they all just supplanted the native deities with Mary and Saints in the hopes they'd switch over, but they never really did

2019-08-24 05:20:51 UTC  

and lo and behold, a sede spic was born

2019-08-24 05:20:58 UTC  

Sad but true

2019-08-24 05:21:17 UTC  

You can’t even deny it, I’ve met plenty of Mexicans that think they worship Mary

2019-08-24 05:21:23 UTC  

And some that actually do

2019-08-24 05:22:54 UTC  

That's why most American evangelicals think the way they do about Catholicism. A lot of the time the only two Catholics they ever meet are their old, alcoholic Irish Catholic dicorce lawyer, and their cleaning lady with a Santa Muerta shrine under the shelf she keeps her Formula 409 on

2019-08-24 05:23:46 UTC  

m8 Jack Chick