Message from @ninjacats

Discord ID: 616124458167566346

2019-08-28 02:37:35 UTC  

Yea bro if u don't want to melt the ice caps ur a fag

2019-08-28 03:06:02 UTC  

yea i kinda feel like climate change is the single most legitimate cause on the left. theres obviously some disingenuity going on, but that doesnt make it any less real

2019-08-28 03:08:19 UTC  

both brenton tarrant and the el paso shooter talked about abuses of the environment in their manifestos

2019-08-28 03:10:42 UTC  


2019-08-28 03:23:42 UTC  

Climate change is only a thing because the Left doesn't have religion or tradition, so it can't rally behind anything else really

2019-08-28 03:28:30 UTC  


2019-08-28 03:29:07 UTC  

Yeah, only Americans can flat deny that there isn't any change in the environment as a result of human habitation

2019-08-28 03:39:01 UTC  

Realistically though people don't impact climate change, the models that say so are built on faulty assumptions that get a lot of funding from people who depend on those assumptions to have a job at all

2019-08-28 03:40:07 UTC  

Pollution is a far more significant cause to rally against than natural weather cycles

2019-08-28 03:40:08 UTC  

also climate change isn't 100% bad

2019-08-28 03:40:25 UTC  

pollution is bad tho. dont pollute folks

2019-08-28 03:41:09 UTC  

Warm periods tend to coincide with periods of human prosperity, and there have been warmer periods in recorded history

2019-08-28 03:41:48 UTC  

yeah. its also good for plant life

2019-08-28 03:41:56 UTC  

and plant life flourishing benefit humans

2019-08-28 03:42:14 UTC  

yes it will also cause the extinction of some species but also the surfacing of new species

2019-08-28 03:42:19 UTC  

Still isn't warm enough to grow grapes in England without modern agricultural techniques, yet there are still vine streets from when England had vinyards

2019-08-28 03:42:20 UTC  

its the circle of life.

2019-08-28 03:42:46 UTC  

not to mention the earth has ice age patterns

2019-08-28 03:43:05 UTC  

and we're in the "warm" stage before the next one

2019-08-28 03:43:36 UTC

2019-08-28 04:18:37 UTC  

this issue alone is where i have to disagree with right-wing politics. its pretty clear human activity has created atmospheric conditions completely outside the norm of what would be occurring naturally. call it atmospheric pollution, if that helps you see it as a significant cause to fight against. its the greenhouse gases that are the biggest problem. polluted rivers or oceans are insignificant compared to this.

the fact is nobody really knows what the future will hold if the climate changes rapidly, but theres enough evidence to assume it will as the decades/centuries move on... we can only make educated guesses, but id be willing to bet its going to be a massive net negative for humanity in the long run, with a few positive aspects sprinkled here and there.

2019-08-28 04:29:27 UTC  

Greenhouse gasses are literally a meme

2019-08-28 04:32:51 UTC  

After the industrial revolution began, we went into a global cooling period that lasted 4 decades. All alarmist models use the figure of atmospheric carbon tripling the rate of warming, but realistically evidence shows that the increased cloud cover resulting from the immediate warming actually halves that rate.

2019-08-28 04:36:45 UTC  

It is silly, especially as a Christian who believes in a creator God, to have that much worry about a natural cycle of the earth. To think that God created an earth that can be accidentally, irrevocably physically broken by simple men is to be faithless. It's all just secular religion memeing its way into public consciousness.

2019-08-28 04:36:52 UTC  

didn't CO2 actually turn Earth greener?

2019-08-28 04:38:13 UTC  

Yes. More CO2 means happier plants, a certain degree of warmth good for crop yield, and overall more prosperity for most living things, even as species that rely on colder climates (where less live) grow strained.

2019-08-28 04:52:00 UTC  

i dont buy the idea that earth will be irrevocably "broken." i understand theres a lot of memeing about climate change being the end of the world.

but i still believe we are playing a dangerous game by brushing this off as a nonissue. God created this world with so-called laws of nature, and we've been spending the last few centuries figuring out ways to manipulate them for our benefit, with sometimes disastrous results. is this kind of cause/effect relationship alien to humanity? we reap what we sow, dont we?

but maybe youre right, maybe it will all be good outcomes. nobody really knows except God, i guess. but regardless, im convinced man-made climate change is real.

2019-08-28 05:42:35 UTC

2019-08-28 07:16:30 UTC  

When I get back to my PC I have a couple good videos worth watching, one's a short Molyneux video my girlfriend sent me, the other is the documentary that changed her mind after being a hardcore global warming warrior for most of her life

2019-08-28 09:30:25 UTC  

What are your opinions of chemtrails? scientific fact or fictional argument about government control?

2019-08-28 09:58:33 UTC  

crap I missed the announcement

2019-08-28 09:58:52 UTC  

that would've been cool to show up to

2019-08-28 11:26:38 UTC  
2019-08-28 13:04:42 UTC  

taking the train today

2019-08-28 13:06:54 UTC  

drinking game: take a shot every time you see a cringe person in nyc

2019-08-28 13:07:14 UTC  

Good luck surviving

2019-08-28 13:10:25 UTC  

I never realized just how *brown* the city is

2019-08-28 13:10:44 UTC  

on the train I counted 3 whites on a car with at least 50 people

2019-08-28 13:11:00 UTC  

Cause whites travel by car

2019-08-28 13:11:37 UTC  

I can't wait to have my own car

2019-08-28 13:12:44 UTC  

for now I'm stuck using my dad's 1998 Ford Explorer on the weekends