Message from @T3CHN01200
Discord ID: 622918039700111365
@THWARTED i knew it was satire without even reading it, but sure call me whatever
Got milk? ๐
<a:543809246941151232:614733834998644746> <a:530025970053414922:614733300648509462> <a:539480664316051457:614733786659422208> <a:538654755069886484:614733765360615424> <a:539480664316051457:614733786659422208> <a:530025970053414922:614733300648509462> <a:543809246941151232:614733834998644746>
@ThatPreciseBloke you don't need god for to be morally /ethically / definitely just either, rationality can provide that for you if you think one step further than your own nose tip
Vaush and I need to have a talk about his community filled with fruits and vegetables
(Gays and brain-deads)
@Jeebus want to vc
maybe l8er
Borderlands 3 is epic
holy shit it's franklin
My mother wanted to read my book that I've been writing. It's called Libertarian, until Government defeated. I actually heard her say. "oh so I guess this makes sense, I'm an ancap now".
Just another year for me to finish it and You guys get a signed copy.
Been writing it for 3 years now.
Good job sir
Congrats @THWARTED
I write journals on political thoughts
Nothing book like
Just like how my beliefs develop
@Mairon would you be interested in being a part of our blog we'll be starting soon?
In all honesty, i don't know what a blog entails, so what would i needa do
well you're a libertarian or AnCap right?
Not in the slightest
ok never mind then
we're looking for libertarian blogers
a blog is writing weekly or sometimes even daily posts for social media
Ah ok
I keep a physical journal
ah ok
My social media presence is kinda non existent