Discord ID: 191308404591951872
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He does
Be careful, everything is being recorded
I just wanted to let those who don't know know
it stands for Libertarian Centrist Union @SYDWAD , another political server offering something a little different
Just wondering, how to those work?
The block quotes I mean
> Okay, I see now
I'm back dammit!
Not black but okay...
Not only that, you could potentially have cheap dry ice and (if this way is easier to get carbon with) carbon fiber
You will be stolen from (marginally) less
If things purchased are 90+% tax, I see little difference
But true
I wonder why this technology isn't taken more of a look at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuel_cell
Efficient, cheap to refuel and the only thing coming out of the tail pipe is water
I'm just up...
I think that is most of us...
Thyne noose ought to be this weak
Eh, I just find the levels thing annoying
But again, that is me and this is your server
GG @Mee6, you just advanced to level FUCK YOU!
Just me being an asshole...
I have a great idea, why don't we stop separating rights out into trans rights and gay rights and black rights, etc, etc and just call them human rights?
I understand that, however, a right is something that you are ought to have. If it is ought that one group not be discriminated against for instance, then why not for another group?
What makes it okay for one demographic to have a right to x and not another?
Well, I am just saying that nobody should have more rights than other people and labelling rights as "demographic 1" rights and "demographic 2" rights, so on and so forth insinuates that someone has more or less or different rights than someone else
I want to get rid of that
I think it would make the equal rights argument stronger
I am just speaking in the abstract right now
But yes wes
Basically, if you are after equal rights for all these sub-demographics, why not just say that you want all humans to have human rights as the alphabet soup of sexualities is a subset of all humans
Nulled and void through further investigation
That was the comprimised account, it never had 2fa on it
What proof do you have about alpha being ancom pride? @Jonathan The Shaman
And clearly Mee6 agrees with me
This is the problem with games of telephone
Nah, it isn't
Anybody remember the whole projared thing?
@everyone Ancom_Pride, what is your problem with me?
It is necessary, he claims to have eyes here and I don't know what accounts are his eyes here
I want him to face me
Yeah, but he isn't a kiddie diddler or cheater aparently...
*Skepticism intensifies*
I don't think it is even going to hit
I think it is probably going to miss in the first place
too many
Taxation is theft, war is murder, conscription is slavery
Well, someone would have to initiate violence for someone to defend against violence, ergo, war is murder, at least from one perspective
Happy 31st dapperton
It was likely political posturing to neocons because the answer is "What is a republican"
Happy birthday, beware of the aloha snackbar
But ultimately, why should I give a fuck? As long as he is funny and doesn't go violent, I see little reason to care...
Will distribute
The demands of advertizers should be eyeballs, not communism
Rly? That is very un-joker of the joker...
Damn, dat fucked up...
Hello @Ancom_Pride
I want to know why you want me to leave
He is irrelevant to the conversation
Why should I tell you?
I want to know why you want to get rid of me
Alright, tell me why I am a dangerous person
What did I do to be considered dangerous?
I have curiousity in why you want me off this platform
Why should I go away?
I won't go away without reason
Or at least not for you anyway without reason
For what reason am I dangerous and even then, how does that justify you trying to destroy online reputations to get rid of me?
Dumb idea
If they can't use rubber bullets, they will use real bullets...
That isn't me
That was ACP
Maybe it is a good idea to give me the inner circle if for nothing else, just to be able to identify me from this asshole...
Well, impersonation is the greatest form of flattery...
If this gives you any sanity, I will give you the id of this (my) account so that this doesn't happen quite so easily anymore
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