Message from @Michael Collins
Discord ID: 582438244101390366
Wagie? OWNED
Nuggies? RAW
just play osrs
I hope you don't fall for the vanlilla meme and keep playing retail (which is actually good)
why not?
Retail sucks and you are retarded if you say otherwise
Idk when I worked retail i came in high to work every day and hid in the stairwell and played phone games because it was a huge store
Was pretty good
is everyone doing alliance or horde for classic?
alliance is the plan, but if there enough intrest they are going to do sweat horde and ally guilds
what class yall rollin?
Biology 2
dwarf rogue
gnome warlock
dwarf rogue
ye ( site admin)
we're going alliance for now, i highly doubt we'll be able to fully staff a horde side guild
since we need 40+ for main raid tema
so keep that in mind
the linkies will NOT make it. cmon fellow no linkers. we are the smart ones here. we need to use our collective energy to bring LINK down and stop them from getting rich. USE YOUR ENERGY
if you want dibs, submit an application
where lol
Thanks, i applied
double check that your guild app is there
if not, apolgies in advance, you'll have to re-submit
there was 2 posts that i lost
which is my faulty
shoudl i reapp then?
i just re replied
I actually beat Contra without taking a single hit. Who knows the game Contra? Lots of people. All right?
You know how much work went into that then. Most people have never beat Contra without getting up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right B A and putting in the cheat code to get 99 lives. Okay? Very few people have beat Contra without the cheat code and even less have beat Contra without taking a single hit in the whole game! I'm talking stage eight where you're inside the alien and you're fighting against that beating heart and all those aliens are coming at you and the heart keeps beating faster and faster and faster and faster. Let me ask you something. What in the world did that profit anyone? Nothing! How many hours and hours and hours and hours I wasted playing Contra. That's just one of many games I played. That wasn't even my main game. You know what? Video games haven't become more profitable than they were back then.
croppy rasta
Who tf is dc young fly?