Message from @GRUMPYGAMER
Discord ID: 577921076579926020
Post catboys instead
post cars
@La'flavious Jaxon stfu fed
Hry guys Joe the nigg2r here buy mu olive oil just 150 dollars
Are Croats nibbas?
Croats are wignats
ICP was right about magnets
I don't wanna see no scientist
Who’s playin?
Because wow is gay
Pay 15 dollars a month for a 15 year old video game that's a part time job
Damn it’s really still $15 a month
Yeah but now you can turn it from a part time job to a full time job to get a digital token that gets you a monthly sub for free
you aint going to be making enough gold in classic to afford a token
is it seperate subsrcitions for both games?
then u just gotta grind on your main to pay fro vanilla
@B|ack|ce classic gold is gonna be worth more retard
it wont but go off
Wagie? OWNED
Nuggies? RAW
just play osrs
I hope you don't fall for the vanlilla meme and keep playing retail (which is actually good)
why not?
Retail sucks and you are retarded if you say otherwise
Idk when I worked retail i came in high to work every day and hid in the stairwell and played phone games because it was a huge store
Was pretty good
is everyone doing alliance or horde for classic?
alliance is the plan, but if there enough intrest they are going to do sweat horde and ally guilds