Message from @GhostPeyo bopper
Discord ID: 531592622821736466
that hairline doesn't agree with that statement
wasnt paying attentiuon
niggas really be out here sayin im barely 30
in an underage discord
I have a friend who went bald in his 20s hairline don't mean shit
- made by Bob ™
made by me
my meme now
nuh uh
lmao what music do you listen to "Begone Thots"
just gay sex noises
Tell me about how Bruce Springstein was the first rapper, dad
I couldn't name a current hit song probably
"grrr rap music isnt even music"
rappers delight was released in 1978
Excuse me sir, but i have to call you out on your obvious misrepresentation and downright innacurate falsehood that you are spewing on this discord channel. It isn't "fucking a pillow" you uneducated western swine. First of all, its a "dakimakura" which, if we are being honest, is a word you probably can't even pronounce with your crude western tonuge. Second, calling it fucking is an insult to the sanctity of sex, which under the proper circumstances is a sacred act and should be honored. Third, what I do with my dakimakura in the privacy of my marital bedroom is none of your business. Yes, I said marital bedroom, and yes I am referring to my dakimakura. I purchased my wife years ago, but for me it seems like just yesterday. I fell in love with Starfire when I saw my first episode of "Teen Titans" and I have not lost my passion for her since. I would say the opposite was true, as every day I wake up next to my Starfire dakimakura I am a better man. She completes me, and I would like to think I complete her. Now you may say "Teen Titans" is not even of the East, but in fact of Western origin. That is also where you are wrong. I'll direct you to the tag at the bottom of my dakimakura which reads "Made in Taiwan" which clearly indicates her spiritual purity as my Wife of the East. I will await your apology, however you are so crass I doubt you will ever muster up enough courage to swallow your pride.
@Deleted User sauce
yo can someone send me a fansign right quick
Don’t harass her please she’s my gf
She doesn’t know about the racist podcast lol
Groans in agony
what a fool
ew she ugly
nah but fr tho why does she have like 5 eye lashes
she is objectively cute
like bruh
idc if thats all makeup and shes a 4 under neath
i will fuck